Chapter 1 - Uncovered Secrets

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The Eden Project - Fumes (Song for Chapter)

Okay, so despite me saying I wasn't going to upload yet, until I've finished my other stories. But I thought, I'd update the first chapter and leave that with you to mull over and long for more!

Thanks for reading



Chapter 1 - Uncovered Secrets

Everything that you are about to read is top secret and for your eyes only.

Burn everything after reading and dispose of in the sea.

To our darling children

Never did we want anything like this to happen. The horrific events that we let happen to you when we left you all, were inexcusable and for that we are still so very sorry. We never wanted to get you involved with our work, but we're afraid that you 5 are now very much involved. People are going to be telling you things about us, the FBI, Homeland security, the CIA, very important people. They will try and tell you that we have gone AWOL, that we are liars and aren't who we say we are, that we are traitors and are dangerous criminals. Believe us when we say that what we are doing is crucial in protecting both you and the world. You have to promise that you won't trust anyone except those close to you. They will do anything to find out information about us, about our whereabouts, you will be followed and watched, they will wait for you to slip up. Everything you may ever need is here for you. Be safe and look after each other. Live your life and one day we will be able to be together again.

Our love always

Dad and Mum

Passports. Visas. Money in about all the currency's you could think of. Car keys. Debit cards and numbers. Bank details. National insurance cards. Numbers and addresses of a few people in countries all over the world.

It was all too much, I dropped everything and just left the room,

"Keane..." Noah said,

"Just leave him Noah, he'll be okay" Tayte said as silence engulfed the winery. I'd tore off out of the house and down onto the beach, collapsing onto the sand.

After everything that we've already been through, we now have to put up with our parents being gone again and the whole world out to get us. I look out at sea; the suns reflection shimmered against the blue, causing ripples in the waves to appear. I shut my eyes and imagined I was somewhere else, or someone else, with a normal life and a normal family. I only opened them when I felt the presence of someone behind me,

"We'll be okay you know" It was Noah, and really, I should be the one telling him that, but instead I said,

"I just need time to think" I stood up and began to walk off,

"Don't you dare do it" He said,

"What?" I asked confused, still walking away,

"Don't push me away", this made me stop and I turned to face him, he was looking at me with sad eyes,

"Never Noah, never" I replied and then headed off down the road. It was true, I would never push him away, I loved and cared about him too much to do that. But for now, for now I needed to be on my own.

Noah's POV

I watched Keane walk away and I honestly was scared. If Keane couldn't process and deal with what was going on, then how was I meant to? I headed back into our house. Angelo met me at the door and pulled me in for a hug,

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