Welcome Home My Star

Comenzar desde el principio

"Thank you. We had a long discussion with Mick." Oh now that made a lot of sense. Mr. Kim slid a card marked 1 in front of Ohm and a card marked 2 in front of Dye. "You'll be riding in the van ending in 1 and you in the van ending in 2. Each van comes with it's own driver. They are going to always be your drivers from now on. They are well travelled with experience travelling overseas. Where you go, they go. They also have another duty; they are part of your security team."

Now they were all staring at Mr. Kim in surprise.

"I would like you to now understand where you are in terms of world fame. Your tour was a massive success. This means we will have a higher influx of news stalkers, fan interactions and just general hubris. We have to ensure that people aren't going to come close to you or hurt you. You will have a team of 12 personal guards including your drivers. These men will be picked by us. This is not negotiable.

"Also I know you want to ask about Phun. He will have his own team. When with you, he will be joining team 1. I hope that is fine."

"It is." Noh and Phun said at the same time. Ohm just nodded and Flex smiled. He might need to sit in the middle of these 2 but he didn't see any major issues occurring besides the usual squabbles they had now.  

"He'll have his own team that will be working as your extras. They will fill in where needed so your team will look bigger than it really is. Once Phun is with you as Secret, they will be assigned to him and only him. Outside of the security detail of 2 men, just like each of you, he will have the option of choosing his team from the files here or any we have at the office or having them chosen for him."

Phun nodded and glanced at the files. He was actually a little excited about this. 

"Mr. Sou will continue to be your personal manager until such time as Mick is ready to take his place. I want to reassure you that we put sufficient pressure on the school in investigate what happened to him recently. I expect to get a report on my desk very soon. I think he handled the situation well despite his lack of experience and his post assessment report shows that he learns quickly as he was able to identify the areas where he went wrong. In my opinion, he is your best asset. In addition, you are now going to have your own PR team. Before you were under the general team but now the group account will be managed by these individuals. In fact they have already started and there has been a significant leap in the Elevation Official account following."

"So we are really doing well?" Noh wasn't trying to be insecure but there was a feeling of needing to know their general position in terms of fame and how much they were contributing to the music industry. "I just want to have an idea of where we are you know?"

"Your already leading the pack here in Thailand. You have largely surpassed all the past boy group projects that have been implemented here and I assure you, they weren't doing that poorly. Despite being a band in an age where choreo driven boy groups are ruling, you have still managed to carve out your own slice of the pie. Sure the issue of Secret is alluring but at the same time, your skills and talents are what is keeping the mass of new fans loyal. They know Secret will not be hidden forever. While they anticipate the eventual reveal, they are just as, or even more focused on the music. It's clear from the album sales as well. Most telling is the US. They are well known for their difficulty in accepting new and foreign acts.

"Your charts account on twitter is even doing a better job than the company of keeping abreast with your data. I was just chatting with Phun about your YouTube and Spotify stats only to realize I am a bit behind."

"Oh I don't know who the admin(s) are but they work so hard and they are always on top of their game. I've been relying on them a lot too." Noh confirmed. 

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