My baby girl

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Towa POV
I finally was able to put enough power into the Tenseiga to make it work. Uncle Inuyasha helped my by killing small creatures to test it and now it was time to bring my little sister back. Apparently before I got there mother gave setsuna back her memories which could help her. Father got to and headed for the door but before he went through the door he placed his hand on my shoulder in comfort then walked out with uncle Inuyasha behind him. I took a deep breath and walked towards Setsuna and admired her peaceful face. I got out of my trance and placed the Tensegia over her body and it grew a blue sword like shape and began to pulse. Eventually I saw them, creatures of the Underworld picking at my sister. I thrusted the sword through there bodies and there were gone in a instant. The only thing now is to wait. I kneeled beside her and waited for her.

Setsuna POV
I watched the memories of my infant self as well as towa. I saw when we first came into this world and how my father picked us up with such care and love. I remembered the warmth of his touch as I began to warm up. I saw as towa and myself began to smile in our sleep when he first picked us up. Suddenly my body began to glow and I felt drawn to something. Perhaps towa figured it out and I was returning to my body. I let the glowing engulf me and then everything was black.

I woke up to a slight headache and saw towa asleep against the wall with a blanket over her. I smiled slightly but felt something warm next to me. I quickly turned my head towards setsuna. I saw her wound close and her skin color return to normal. The red strip in her head returned. Her blood blade also returned and was reacting to something. I sat up quickly and faced her fully.

"L-lord Sesshomaru get in here" I shouted. He quickly came through the door and stood behind me. Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha came in after them. Moroha shook towa awake and we all stared at setsuna. Suddenly her eyes opened to reveal her beautiful purple eyes. My eyes widened to joy and happiness. Her eyes wandered around the room before landing on me.

"Mom?" She said confused. I nodded and reached out my hand to take which she did. I helped her sit up slowly and then I saw her eyes glow with love and happiness as she saw me clearly. She pulled me into a tight hug and I returned it. She buried her face in my shoulders and was showing no signs of letting go.  

"I'm here baby I'm here" I said releasing her even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. I wiped the tears and pointed towards a crying towa and Moroha. Setsuna opened her arms as I moved to stand next to Sesshomaru. I watched as the girls embraced each other as I grabbed Sesshomaru hand.  Setsuna and Sesshomaru made eye contact and she stood up with the help of the girls and headed in his direction. When she stood in front of them they did nothing but stare at each other. Eventually setsuna embraced Sesshomaru in a tight hug which surprised him. She showed no signs of letting him go so he hugged her back. When they let go of each other he kissed her forehead as she went to hug Inuyasha and Kagome. The rest of the was spent as Setsuna went to reunite with the demon slayers.

I sat on our porch watching the stars twinkling. The girls were having another sleepover at Inuyasha house which he objected to but Kagome overruled his objection with two simple words. I felt Sesshomaru sit next to me and I leaned against his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer.

"What are we gonna do about Kirinamaru and Zero. We can't let them near our kids. We already lost Setsuna once and I'm not losing another one" I said with mad tears in my eyes. He wiped them away and placed his lips on mine. I kissed him desperately and placed my hands on his cheeks. He pulled away and leaned against my forehead.

"I will never let anyone hurt you I promise" he said pulling me closer to him and I rested against his chest. I listening to his heart beat that put me to sleep. For once I had a peaceful dream about my happy family living with no fighting and violence. That's the world I long for and that's the world I will live in no matter what.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum