Memories of Truth

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My body felt light and free. I opened my eyes to see miles of darkness around me. I tried to talk but I couldn't. Suddenly my chest started to glow and memories started to surround me taking the darkness place. I took noticed that the memories weren't just mine they were everyone I interacted with. I floated towards a memory that showed me pregnant. I watched my past self sitting against a tree.

"How are you feeling today Rin" lord Sesshomaru asked landing a few feet away from me. He walked towards me sitting next to me placing a hand on my huge stomach feeling the twins kicking away.

"Well I feel good but I would feel better if these two would stop punching my internal organs" I joked as they kicked again.

I wiped the tears away as the memory faded away. A new memory took its place and it wasn't my memory but Kirnamaru's memory. He was with a human woman the same woman I saw before in a vision. She was holding a baby girl that had red hair and was sleeping peacefully. I watched as the women placed her in a cave sealing her with a spell.

"Where is she" Kirnamaru shouted but the women didn't say anything just watching him. Kirnamaru was ranting about the baby girl the women had hid. Then he left never finding the child but zero came and killed the women in cold blood. I let out a shout covering my eyes as tears fell from them. I had to get out of here, these memories were overwhelming me but I couldn't see a exit. I was just about to give up I heard lord Sesshomaru calling me for me. I turned to find him but his voice was just echoing.

"Lord Sesshomaru please find me" I cried as a tear fell from my eye. It lit up the surroundings blinding me.

Sesshomaru POV
I was searching frantically for Rin. It was hard to track her because her scent was everywhere. I heard her voice but I couldn't see her. Suddenly a bright light was coming from my backside and I heard Rin's voice coming from inside of it. I took the chance a flew through the light and when I got through the girl who changed my view on humans was there with tears on her face.

"Lord Sesshomaru you found me" she said hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and kissed her head glad she was back in my arms.

"How did you get here" she asked me releasing our hug looking around.

"Kagome and Moroha hauled the barrier enough for me to slip through" I said taking a whiff around to see if there was anyway out. Suddenly the light that led me here opened again. We looked through it and saw the way out. I looked at Rin and she nodded. I picked her up flying though the light.

I opened my eyes to see the grey sky filled with dark clouds.

"He has her" I heard Kagome shouted and that was proof that I was back. Lord Sesshomaru landed next to everyone placing me on the ground gently. The twins ran up to me hugging me tightly which I returned. I suddenly felt a strange aura coming from the windmill of time and I looked up at it as everyone did as well.

"Hate to ruin this happy reunion but arku is not very happy with the girl's departure from the windmill" Sesshomaru mother said. Arku was standing on top of the windmill with a angry expression on his face.

"How dare you do this! I will not give up my pin NEVER" he shouted. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kirnamaru flying towards arku.

"Arku I have a deal to make with you. Bring my sister back in spirit and I will enter the Windmill of time to stop it's movement" he said to the shock of us all.

"Demon I sense the small essences of that girls ability of a past reader. To do what you ask you move possess more of it" arku said grinning. Kirnamaru turned towards us and came towards us landed a few feet away from us. Inuyasha and Lord Sesshomaru stood in front on me protecting me.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this Sesshomaru" he said extending his hand towards me. A purple light surrounding me and I groaned as a felt my power being sucked out. Lord Sesshomaru tried to reach inside and grab me but the barrier rejected him. Setsuna used her blood blade to break it much to Kirnamaru surprise. I collapsed into lord Sesshomaru mother's arms.

"Oh well this much will due" he said getting ready fo take off.

"Wait.... What are you gonna do about your daughter" I asked looking at him with blurry eyes. He stopped in his tracks in shock.

"How do you know about her" he asked in a low voice.

"I saw your memories of her in the windmill" I said wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Where is she then" He asked. I was about to answer but remembered that the girls mother hid her for a reason and I should respect that.

"I refuse to tell you that but think about her" I said. He scoffed and took off back towards arku. I tried to stand but failed.

"Rest girl. There's nothing you can do" Sesshomaru mother said pulling me back down to lean on her.

Arku nodded at the amount of power Kirnamaru took from me.

"I shall hold up my end of the deal" he said and waved his pin and magic came from it. The magic took the form of Zero. She gasped for air and looked around.

"Dear sister your back" Kirnamaru said reaching for her but his hand went right through her.

"Kirnamaru.... What is the meaning of this" she asked. He didn't respond and just looked at arku.

"Now Kirnamaru enter the windmill" arku said and Kirnamaru looked at him with a hint of anger in his eyes. Suddenly Kirnamaru thrusted his claws into arku blooding spilling out. My eyes widened at the sight.

"You - you bastard you choose to betray me" arku said coughing up blood. Kirnamaru took his pin and threw him into the ocean.

"Brother why" zero asked in shock.

"Come we must go" he said sticking the pin in the windmill of time stopping its movement. He flew off with zero close behind him. The sky cleared up and the sun started coming up.

"Now what are we gonna do , what's gonna happen" Kagome asked standing next to moroha. My body started glow and I felt a little bit of my power return to me. I stood to my feet walking to stand next to lord Sesshomaru. I took his hand in my mine and smiled up at him. He looked down at me and gave me a small smile. Our children ran between us hugging both of us. Moroha jumped in her parentarms and hugged both Kagome and Inuyasha at the same time. I even saw Sesshomaru mother smile. It felt good to be surrounded by family. Our next problem on hand is finding Kirnamaru daughter before he does.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz