A vacation

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After hearing from both her publicist and Karlie, Taylor agreed that she should plan a vacation. So she reached out to Pia and Josh and asked if they would want to go on trip together.  Pia and Josh waited a few moments before saying yes.  Karlie was pleased with the fact that Taylor was suddenly doing something with Josh and Pia. 

A couple of weeks later, Taylor had paid for a two week long vacation in the Bahamas. Josh paid for Pia and his tickets on a plane. Karlie wanted to go on the plane with Josh and Pia. So Taylor agreed.  

"You sure this is going to be good?" Taylor asked the group, afraid that she messed up.

"We are positive. Plus, you are not the only celebrity that has gone on a plane before." Pia said nicely. 

"Plus, You are under the name Alison Swift." Karlie added. 

"Don't break out into song." 

They all laughed a little. Taylor had a little bit of fear that she still kept. Pia walked up to her and placed her hand on her back. Pia leaned in and said "You are just normal T. Alison Swift. You are going on a little  trip with pals. We are staying at a nice house it's private and nice." 

She kept a hand on Taylor and just felt pity. Pia knew that although she was model compared to Taylor, she was less well known.  So she felt the need to protect Taylor. Plus, this was giving insight into her thought process and why she had thought to send the NDA. 

Pia and Taylor ended up being slightly behind Josh and Karlie. Karlie was secretly glad that Pia had initiated a friendship between the two of them. Pia was careful to get too close to her. 

They found a place to eat together and the couples sat down together. They both were quietly talking to the other person. They were extremely close together.

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