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Pia woke up the next day at around 6:30 in the morning to  the feeling of someone dropping on her bed.  She could hear Josh snickering and then groaned out Karlie. Karlie then dragged Pia by her feet. 

"I hate you." 

"I know." 

"and I hate the laughing man in the corner."

He let out a full chortle. 

"Did you tell me that we were going to meet up?"

"No, it was a surprise." 

Pia stared at Karlie for a moment then glared at both. 

"First of all, I could have been naked..."

"Josh would have told me." 

"KARLIE!" Josh yelled from down the hall. 

"So he knew."


Pia glared at everyone in the room. Pia then got up and went to her closet. She picked out a black work out braw with black yoga pants and a grey huge shirt. She brushed her teeth.  She then walked over to the kitchen where Karlie and Josh were sitting together holding coffee.

"Soo how is Taylor." Pia asked. 

"Good but..." Karlie paused for a moment. "She is a bit.. hesitant." 

"Well think about from her perspective. She spends years developing her public persona and being known as 'the girl who writes songs about her exes' who were all male before she met you. She is facing how public she wants her sexuality to be and you. You, Karlie, are a relatively private citizen so she wants to respect that." Josh added. "Plus she wants to explore it privately." 

"That makes a little sense." 

"Still annoying though. But hey, she loves you or else she wouldn't be so hesitant. When do you want to go Dog Pound." Pia asked. 

"Yes true. Well you only just woke up. So about 8:30." 

"So an hour." 


Josh, Karlie, and Pia sat in the kitchen for breakfast.  They had a mix of healthy and not so healthy options.  Karlie watched how Josh got up to give Pia a kiss and how they both moved closer together.  They were well organized and worked well together. 

"So you have to go?" Karlie said Josh. 

"Yeah, I have a meeting. Pia, you have a photoshoot later on today?" 

"Yeah, just outside the city for a magazine. Karlie?" 

"I am filming a video with someone." 

At Dog Pound, Karlie and Pia worked out together. 

"So, how are you feeling?" Pia asked noticing how Karlie was acting.

"T has sent me a text that tonight instead of hanging out as a couple we are going to meet Tree Paine. T's Publicist." 

"What the fuck." Pia asked

"I know. So I am a little pissed off at her."


"You know about Josh's whole T wants to keep my private." 

"Yeah," Pia said.

"I think so." 

Later that day, Pia and Karlie split up. Karlie was meeting up a youtuber, Casey Neistat, to do a video  So for a couple of hours she could meet someone new and be distracted from her very conflicted point of view. 

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