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Taylor Swift sat in her apartment, waiting for her annoyed girlfriend, and watching as her Publicist made herself confrontable when she got a text.

From Pia

Are you serious about making Karlie meet Tree?

To: Pia


Taylor was entirely convinced that in the future, Pia and Karlie would understand why this meeting was necessary. 

"Before Karlie comes, Did you tell her why I am meeting with her?"

"The contracts, No." 

Tree looked at Taylor and sighed.  Tree would not tell Taylor want to do but she definantly wanted to tell Taylor that not telling Karlie what was happening was going to be bad. 

They heard a swift knock on the door and then Taylor strode over to the door. She opened it widely. 

"Hey Karlie," Taylor greeted

"I wanted to talk to you before tree--" 

Karlie looked directly at the red head and then stopped.  She was already pissed off that she was meeting Tree.

"Ok, Since we are not going to have alone time. Let's just go that." 

Taylor directed Karlie towards the couch but Karlie kept standing.

"So.. why are meeting?"

"Non Disclousures Agreements for your family and friends."

"But..." Karlie paused "I'll have a lawyer look it over." 


"But-" Tree interrupted feeling slightly bad. "You have to give to Pia Paley and Josh Kushner within two days." 

"Hell no." Karlie replied. 

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked knowing that Pia was going to be a sore spot.

"No, they are going to go their lawyers and have the lawyers explain it. Then they might sign it,," 

"It's for Taylor's protection--" Tree put up a defense.

"Josh Kushner is the last person to go the press about other people's relationship and Pia would be pissed to think that I had soo little faith in her." 

"Tree can I talk to Karlie for a second." 


Tree felt pity for both and left.

"Karlie, I have been in the public for many years. People that I thought I could trust betrayed me. This is not meant to hurt or insult your friendship but to protect me."

"Do you make everyone sign this?"


"Look, I am going to take three of the NDAs but I need time. If you can't trust my judgement on them then we should honestly take time.  Oh and next time you plan on making me sign things we should do it during the day and with our people. Good bye and good night." Karlie grabbed the stacks of paper and nodded at Tree as she passed. 

"I hope we can meet on better circumstances." 

Karlie walked all the way to her apartment, holding the NDAs in her hand like they were on fire and her mind- they were. Karlie was trying to imagine even suggesting to Pia that she had to sign them- oh Karlie knew that Pia signed NDA's before but they were for work only.

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