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Karlie Kloss wanted to call her mom but she did not want have send her a NDA. The fact that she had to think about giving her bestfriend a NDA was sending her into anger.  So she called Josh at his office.


"I want to tell you something that I don't want to tell Pia yet. Can I come into your office today?"

"Yes, may I ask why?"

"Taylor wants to make you sign thing." 

"Oh, wow. Ok, Are you free around lunch time?" 

"Yes," Karlie sighed out.

"You are pissed." 

Karlie was surprised but Josh had been intuitive about Pia's feelings so for him to be able to tell from her voice, although she been controlled in her words was not suprising. 

"Ok, you are good." 

"I had a feeling something was off because you would not have A) called me at work, B) told me that you do not want to talk to Pia and C) want to meet me at work like an official meeting rather than at the apartment. So today at around noon at my office. Bring the paper work and I will give it to my lawyer. Right now, we do not have to do anything or talk about it with Pia." 

"Tree Paine, Taylors Publicist, wants you to sign it within two days."

Josh paused and then said "I am certainly not signing until I know everything in the contract and had alerted Pia about it." 

"Yes, that makes sense." 

"Look, I have to go."

"I will see you soon." 

Karlie hung up the phone.  She then went to her managers office where her manager was going to have a ton of meetings. Pia was flying for twenty four hours to Singapore so they would not be crossing paths at their mutual managers office. 

A couple hours later Karlie went to Puck Building to meet up Josh.  Karlie went up to Thrive Capital Offices. She went to the front office and said "Hey, I am Karlie Kloss-" 

"Josh is sitting his office and on the phone. He said that you can come in but quietly. Pia's on the phone." 

Karlie smiled politely and walked towards the direction that the man pointed at.  She heard Josh and Pia talking . She quietly walked in and waited as they quickly finished their conversation. 

"Ok. So do you have the NDA" Josh asked.

Karlie reached into her purse and pulled out the agreement. She handed the paperwork to Josh. He looked at the paperwork for a couple of minutes just reading it before looking at Karlie with shock.

"This is a pretty airtight agreement that null and voids when you break up with Taylor. This is what a businessman or a model would sign with a high profit ad or high profit margin business. This is not something that I would give to someone that I am just dating." 

"I mean, I understand why she would make random sign this but we are still new."

"Karlie, That's probably why she is wanting you to sign." 

"What would you do?" 

"Well, I  would not sign this if you are already not in the right state of mind, ie pissed.  I would never and I promise you this, make Pia sign something like this.  How do you feel?" 

"Cheap, Underappreciated, and like she doesn't trust me." 

"You should talk to her." 

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