12. Three Ice Mages

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Quickly, they hid behind a partially destroyed wall and watched as they chanted all together.

Lucy's spirit, Lyra seemed to know about the spell.

"It's a Belianese spell called the Moon Drip... I see, that's what they're trying to do. They're using the Moon Drip spell to melt the ice surrounding Deliora so they can resurrect it."

Karissa's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. What kind of people would want to resurrect that horrible monster?!

Her fist clenched tightly. Clearly, they were dealing with people who wouldn't think twice about snuffing the life out of people in Fiore.

"They can't!" Gray exclaimed, "The ice used in an Iced Shell can't be melted!"

"I hate to break it to you, but that's not entirely true. While the Iced Shell is strong it can be melted using Moon Drip, focused moon energy can break any magical spell."

Both Gray and Karissa were getting agitated and angry now that they were aware of Deliora's potential revival.

"I think what the islanders believe is a curse against them may actually be side effects of the Moon Drip. Concentrated moon energy can contaminate your body." Lyra explained. "I'm afraid those poor islanders have been exposed to way too much of it."

Just when Natsu was about to jump up and stop them, Lucy elbowed him up in the face. She pointed out that someone was showing up, a small group was walking towards the people chanting. There was a person wearing a horned helmet walking in front of those they saw from earlier. She saw how that person walked and how the others kept their distance from them. He was definitely the leader.

The Fairy Tail group hid more carefully as they listened to Sherry report to about intruders. She referred to the person as 'Reitei'. She also mentioned that Deliora's revival would be happening today or the next day. Not good.

"At long last..." the leader spoke.

Next to her, Gray inhaled sharply and stiffened. Karissa looked at him from the corner of her eye.

"As for the intruders... I've come too far to be interfered with now."

Sherry nodded. "The only people on this island are in the village on the outskirts."

"Go destroy the village." He commanded.

Karissa narrowed her eyes at him. And he just said that without hesitation. Yeah, he clearly has no care for the lives of others. People like that always makes me fucking sick.

"I'm not fond of blood, but..." Reitei shrugged a shoulder. "It must be done."

"That voice..." Gray spoke in disbelief. "No... there's no way."

"What? You recognize it?" Karissa asked him.

"You mean you don't know?!"

Her reply was cut off when Natsu jumped on the broken wall and started roaring about their identity with a breath of fire. Once they saw Natsu's shoulder, they immediately knew where they came from. Even so, Reitei wanted them to carry out their new mission despite knowing who the intruders were.

"Those who stand in the way, and those who concocted said scheme... All are my enemies."

Oh, you piece of—

His cold-hearted words made both Gray and Natsu angry as they both charged ahead towards the Reitei. Gray slammed his hand in his palm as he ran before jumping up and slamming his hands down on the ground, causing sharp walls of ice to burst one after the other. Reitei's subordinates jumped away from Gray's ice while their ringleader jumped forward.

【Re:Freezing】 |  Gray Fullbuster x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin