11. Only For S-Class!

Start from the beginning

The first thing she heard was jolly music playing in the back, piquing her curiosity. With discretion, she opened the front door and peeked into the living room. She was greeted with the sight of her two younger siblings sleeping on each other on the couch. Van's head was resting upon their little sister's whose head was resting on his shoulder.

"Pfft, how cute." Pandora giggled softly behind her hand.

She walked in with steps as light as feathers, doing her best to not make a sound. She picked up the duvet that was lying on the armrest. They didn't stir even as she opened the duvet and gently wrapped them in its softness.

"Goodnight." Pandora said in a murmur, gently stroking their foreheads with her thumbs. "Sleep well."

She didn't want to wake them up at this hour. It was better for them to get the most sleep.

After shutting off the lacrima movie, she stood in silence a few feet away from them, gazing at them with a small smile.




Pandora gently rolled away from them and then slowly got off the bed. She was making her way to the door, freezing every few seconds to check behind her just in case she shattered the silence. She let a few seconds pass before holding the cold doorknob and twisting it. She glanced behind her shoulder once again to make sure it was safe.

Then she opened the door. It made a light creaking sound followed by rustling sounds behind her. Instantly, Pandora jerked her head back with wide eyes.

Van was groaning in his sleep when he had moved his legs under the blanket. Other than that, nothing else was amiss. In his arms, Karissa was sleeping in front of him with dried tears. Van and Karissa were cuddling in their parents' bed with the first nuzzling his head in her hair. He hugged her closely. Both of them were unaware of their older sister's gaze watching them from the doorway.

With one last look, she left the room and silently closed the door.




Pandora's small smile slowly became a straight line as she kept gazing at the two. The scene was a bit similar but still the same.

They were both completely unaware.

With a sigh, Pandora went over to the stairs and flicked off the lights, blanketing the two in complete darkness.

Karissa was sitting next to Cana, listening half-heartedly about her complaints about terrible booze from her previous job. She never drank a sip of alcohol in her life so she couldn't really relate to her distress. Thankfully, her lack of concern over it would go unnoticed with Van and Gray listening and talking.

The female ice wizard caught the sound of heels quickly pounding down the steps.

"Master! A job flyer is missing from the second floor request board!"

Van paused his sentence as Mirajane's voice sounded in the guild hall. The worry and panic in her voice made everyone cease their chatter, especially with what she just reported.

Master Makarov spat out his booze from the shock.

"What?" Wakaba drawled, "A job request is missing?"

【Re:Freezing】 |  Gray Fullbuster x OCWhere stories live. Discover now