4. The End Of Our Days

Start from the beginning

Lyon frowned. "I already looked into that one. It's pretty dangerous."

"Really? What does the spell do?"

Lyon took a book titled 'Iced Shell' and started flipping the pages until he reached a specific one. "It's supposed to freeze the caster's body to get powerful but it slows them down. It's a powerful spell but it has too many drawbacks, and it's dangerous. I didn't like it." He said while reading his page.

Karissa quirked an eyebrow.

What drawbacks?

She opened the book and started reading what it was about.

The Punishment of Absolute Zero.

For three minutes, the spellcaster's body temperature begins to drop significantly until they reach absolute zero. It has an area of effect due to how cold the spellcaster becomes. Anything they touch will freeze away. For the first minute, the spellcaster's body heat will begin to fade away. The second minute, they are the physical embodiment of absolute zero. For the third minute, they get a bit slower due to the numbness.

The spellcaster must slowly undo the spell to thaw out; the slightest mistake can harm the body.

If the user goes over the time limit, with every second, it becomes increasingly difficult to stop the spell, risking hypothermia. One must be very careful when using this spell.

Karissa cringed. It definitely sounded unpleasant. She could remember how cold she was when she first started training with Ur. She was so cold that she thought she was going to pass out and freeze to death by the end of their training. Now, she had resistance against the cold. She was slowly forgetting what exactly being cold felt like. Imagining freezing to death sounded so scary. Ur did say that it was possible to still get sick if they were exposed to extremely cold weather for far too long, they were still human after all.

"You're right, it sounds dangerous." She turned her head to look at him, expecting to find his nose in the book. Instead, she came face to face with him since he turned his head the moment she spoke. They both blinked in surprise before turning their heads away in a flustered manner.

"S-Sorry." Karissa mumbled.

"Don't worry about it..." he rubbed his nose while trying to hide his face.

This was bad. It was seriously no good for Lyon's poor little heart. He wasn't sure when it started but he was able to realize it one time when he sparred against her. It made him feel bashful around her since he didn't know how to act with these new feelings. His affection for Karissa just made him want to spend more time with her during their days off and experience a bunch of things together. Sharing his knowledge about Ur's spell books was a way to convey that feeling.

As for Karissa, she also liked him.

Their affections for each other had become apparent since Gray kept calling them gross whenever they stuck around each other and teased each other.

"Hey, can you close your eyes for a second?" Lyon mumbled.

Karissa perked up and looked at him while he still looked away. She was familiar with that phrase. With a giddy smile, she closed her eyes and waited. Then she felt it. He pressed a soft kiss on her mouth.

When she looked at him, she saw how bashful and happy he looked and she felt the same. They both grinned at each other.

This was a little secret between them. It started three weeks ago. Lyon was the one who started it when they were doing their usual thing: wandering off when Ur was giving Gray someone one-on-one lessons since he was having trouble with something. While they were just talking on the edge of the cliff, he asked her if he could kiss her. It shocked her but she still let him anyway, it felt funny and exciting. They were imitating what they saw adult couples do in town.

【Re:Freezing】 |  Gray Fullbuster x OCWhere stories live. Discover now