Chapter 16.

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Bridget could hardly stop smiling, especially as she walked into her mom's house and was greeted by her energetic daughter. "Mommy! Mommy! You're home!"

Juliet sprinted towards Bridget in pink footie pajamas and leaped into her arms. Bridget kissed her forehead and poked Juliet's belly making her giggle. "How was your day today, kiddo?"

"Fun, but I want to go see your work." She answered simply with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"You don't want to see my office." Bridget laughed, there was lots of confidential information scattered all over the desk and she knew from experience that Juliet liked to look at and touch everything she saw.

"Yes I do, then I can see daddy too." Juliet hopped up and down like a rabbit.

"You'll see daddy on Friday night."

"But I miss him and I want to see him tomorrow." Juliet stated, "Are you guys happy now?"

"Happy now? What do you mean?"

"You and daddy seemed mad at each other the other day. Are you happy now?" Juliet stared deep into Bridget's blue and green eyes searching for the answer.

Thinking back to only minutes ago, Bridget beamed, "Yes. We are both happy now."

"Yay!" Juliet clapped her hands. "You two are so weird. You always look mad at each other or just look at each other and say nothing. It's weird. But if you're happy now, when will you and daddy live together? And will you get married? Can I be the flower girl?" Juliet became hyper and charged with excitement as she started bouncing and scuttling around her flabbergasted mother.

Bridget, unsure how to react, replied sternly. "Uh, no sweetie, we are not going to live together and we are not going to get married."

And just like that Juliet's spirit was crushed. "You're not getting married?"

"No sweetheart. Daddy and I are just good friends now." Bridget said calmly.

Yeah, friends with benefits. Her subconscious added, Bridget scowled in response.

Juliet tilted her head to the side in confusion, "What was that noise, Mommy?"

"Just had a long day sweetie." Bridget covered, "How was your day with Viviana and Austin?"

Juliet grinned, "It was so much fun! Vivi and Austin took me to the park, we got ice cream and I got to help pick out baby toys. Vivi is so nice and Austin is funny." She said proudly.

"I'm so glad you had fun, would you want to see them again?"

"Yeah! Can I please?" Juliet begged.

Bridget chuckled, "I'll have to ask Viv if that's okay but I'm happy you had fun with them. Oh and Jules, where's Grandma?"

"Um, I don't know, I have not seen her since I came home." Juliet informed and Bridget's blood boiled, which meant that her mom had left her four year old daughter alone for nearly two hours. Bridget suppressed her anger and put on a smile.

"Hmm, interesting, how about you and I watch a movie and eat some popcorn?"

Juliet's eyes lit up, "Yay! Can we?! I want to watch Frozen and have popcorn and peanut M&Ms!" She exclaimed, racing in the direction of the tv room.

Bridget giggled and followed behind Juliet, rolling her eyes at the sad cliche that her four year old was still smitten for Frozen.


About halfway through the movie, Juliet had passed out on the couch. Bridget checked her watch reading 8:30. Bridget turned off the tv and carried Juliet upstairs and tucked her into bed. Bridget placed her Nancy Drew book and her fuzzy dream journal under her arm before closing the door on her way out.

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