#11 Go Fight!

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Izuku had been wondering to himself a lot lately, it had been small mundane things like what he would wear in his free time... and even brushing hair in a way where it didn't look too wild, but without effort, as it seemed to be as fluffy as ever. Of course, he didn't know why he was it was just the little things in life... Izuku had his eyes lingering on Naruto a lot longer than he usually had been doing, not wondering if he would be free to hang out... though it was still his mind but in a shyer way, but thought back to what his new friend had said...

"You both seem close, are you dating?" The thought felt so alien... the concept of dating the farthest from Izuku's mind and yet here it was, dangling like a carrot... he had been teased by Tsunade the first time he had met her, but he never thought anything of it... Why would he? Shaking his head he would push it down and think about it later...  Right now he had bigger things to think about...

UA curriculum was somewhat... Similar to the curriculum to other schools, or from what Izuku could tell, the only difference was that there were Heroes for teachers and one other class... Heroics, which was supposed to be this hour... The door opened from that point and All Might came through, very robotically... "I AM HERE! Coming THROUGH the door like a NORMAL person!" Izuku smiled slightly at that, already used to his random outbursts, but seeing his silver age costume in use made his eyes shine.

"Wow, he really does work here!" A red-haired teen fist pumped the air with a grin. "Woah is that his silver age costume!? So Nostalgic!" The electric blond from before asked while Izuku nodded his head excited. "TODAY we will be doing hero BATTLE training!" Naruto and Katsuki got big grins on their face as he had said this while Izuku felt his excitement rise. "Of course you need to look the part! So here you go! The support team had just finished all the requirements!" All might clicked a button as all twenty-one of the cubies from the wall slid out."Oh, this is gonna be great." Naruto had said from behind Izuku and he looked behind him with a smile, 

"We get to see our costumes now Naruto-Kun! Hope they turn out as well as we hoped!" Naruto nodded his head before grinning, "To the shadows we go!" He raised a fist to Izuku who tapped it with his. Katsuki hearing this just in front of him closed his eyes and seem to growl in obvious annoyance. Izuku heard it and looked at him who gave a look behind him. "A-Ah, let's do our b-best, K-Kacchan." He raised his fist shakily making Katsuki stare at it for a long pause. Turning ahead, he seemed to ignore the gesture while Izuku turned limp at that and looked down sadly. "Alright, class! Get changed and meet me at Area Gamma!"


Naruto came out of the tunnel as did many other of the students, looking around he whistled at the sight, "Man you guys look awesome!" Scanning for a certain green-haired teen he saw him running out of the tunnel, he blinked slightly before he grinned, The teen was wearing a snug jumpsuit, completely green with black lines going through, a mask was over his head with what suspiciously looked like bunny ears above his head. "Ahh Bunny-Kun! Come over here!"

He could practically see the blush seeping through the mask as Izuku started walking towards him, getting a good look at Naruto's suit, it was similar to that of Izuku's in the simplistic look, but instead of the green color, it was orange and black. Although the fiber itself was made to be very sturdy, able to withstand quite a lot, not able to be burned easily. He seemed fairly relaxed in his costume. "That's not my hero name and you kn-know it!" Izuku pouted making Naruto grin and place his hands behind his head, carefree as usual.

"I know, but you are still not sure about your hero name." Naruto said with a small grin, "So Bunny-Kun works for now!" crossing his arms with a pout evident from the small gap in his mask, Naruto stuck out at his tongue as he gave a small wink. "Alright! You all look the part! But let's see if you can keep up with this test, ya noobies!" Naruto and Izuku turned slightly to see All might in the front as they all lined up to listen. "This test will be a dangerous and explosive situation. Observe!" He clicked a remote as a screen with a building appeared. Multiple floors and a few question marks darting across the building.

Naruto's Hero AcademiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon