#12 Divided

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Just jamming out to this while writing.

Izuku had been standing uncomfortably next to Katsuki for five minutes, both of them waiting for All Might to give them the go-ahead to start the training... but Izuku had been taking glances to the right of him before he finally heard Katsuki sigh, looking directly into Izuku's eyes, Katsuki looked forward. "Don't lag behind Nerd... I won't slow down because you are slow." Izuku nodded his head, the grit in Katsuki's voice was steeled, the no room for arguments voice as he had dubbed. "Uraraka-san will most likely make Ida lighter... so he's going to be even faster than before..." Izuku muttered, Katsuki listened in though Izuku couldn't tell.

"The best bet is to capture one of them and then rush the bomb, Though if Uraraka touches us we will be floating and it would be harder to navigate in the air." The blond nodded his head, he opened his mouth adding something that came to his mind. "In the speed test, he said he needed time for his gears to shift... if we are faster then we can catch him." Izuku nodded his head, knowing the basics of how car engines work, he had asked Ida and he gave him just the short version, "Similar to a car engine. I wonder what his fuel is..." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "No time  to nerd out..."

Izuku wordlessly shut his mouth as the silence overcame them once more. "He won't be able to take us both, that's much is for sure..." Katsuki muttered as Izuku looked at him in a slight shock that he even said it. "Right!" He nodded his head as he heard the little communicator in his ear come to life, "Alright Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo, your time starts now!" The voice was clearly All Might's and Katsuki and Izuku ran forward, Katsuki taking the lead before slowing down as he went around a corner, giving enough time to brace themselves for any type of ambush. "Where do you think would the perfect place to guard the bomb?" Izuku looked up in surprise at the question, "I-If this building doesn't have a basement I would assume a room with little to no entrances, probably on the third or fourth floor." Katsuki nodded his head and decided to head for the stairs.

Izuku could only thank Katsuki in his mind for listening to him, even though he may be wrong on where they are, it was still nice to be heard from the blond... Katsuki went up two flights of stairs and gave a small hand gesture signaling that the coast was clear. Going up the stairs he continued to stare at Katsuki's back, just wondering what made him tick in the way that he did... it was always the same reason, the drive to be a hero, it just seemed along the way something between them changed which Izuku always assumed the same thing, "It's cause I'm quirkless... worthless Deku..."  It always went through his head, how could it not... he broke their friendship apart... but there was always something that made him wonder if it was something else that had them divided.

 Katsuki rounded the corner only to jump back, Izuku jumped slightly as he was pushed to the ground by Katsuki backing into him. "There Ida-Kun!" Ochako's voice was the first thing Izuku heard before they saw Tenya come around the corner at breakneck speeds, Izuku stood up quickly only to be hit down by Tenya who was doing driveby's of them. Katsuki growled as he got up and brought his arm up. "DIE!" The shout shocked Tenya as a blast threw him off his trajectory into the wall. "Wait I'm the villain Bakugo! Hero's shouldn't just yell die!" Tenya seemed to have time to scold the teen before the blond threw up his palms and they ignited.

Izuku shakily stood up seeing Katsuki over him, allowing him a chance to take a breath. Lightning coursed around him as he gave a look towards Katsuki. "Kacchan..." The blond turned around to see Izuku's eyes shining in determination... and in that moment he grinned. Tenya rocketed towards them as they were distracted from one another and Izuku grabbed ahold of Katsuki's hand and pulled him out the way, but not only that Katsuki used an explosion to send him around quicker to barely avoid the punch that was thrown by Tenya.

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