#5 Concern

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Was listening to this while writing if ya like music ^

Naruto was concerned for his friend, he really was... Izuku had just handed him his notebook after the first few months of figuring out some combinations of his 'Jutsu', he kept writing them down for him, but each combination had many notes written down in it, so when he opened the notebook specially made for him... Naruto found that it was full and on top of it being full, it was filled with sticky notes, which suspiciously looked like an entire package.

Naruto was thankful, he really was... but his concern was that his friend might actually stop himself from knocking out a villain just to know everything about their quirk to write down... He told the viridian boy to just have his quirk registered as an intelligence quirk that made it very easy to find out about quirks just by asking questions.

The boy was flustered of course, why wouldn't he be? He shook his head at the thought as he closed the notebook in class as he turned towards Izuku who seemed like he was writing the answers while he was seemingly dazed to the point that he looked to be asleep with his eyes open... He really had to wonder what training he and Toshinori did on the days he didn't see him at the dojo (1).

The blond looked forward, his musing stopping in its tracks as he looked at the back of Katsuki Bakugo's head... he finally got a little bit of information out of the teen to the right of him about the ray of sunshine that was 'Kacchan.' Of course he knew that they were close when they were younger, but it seemed after Katsuki had gotten his quirk and Izuku didn't, that broke their dream to be a hero duo. The look on his face when he told him made it aware that he was heartbroken by the dream crushed because he was quirkless.

He could only assume that he really wanted to be a hero duo with the blond or that because he felt responsible that they couldn't achieve that dream together... perhaps the latter as the explosive blond made it painfully aware that he did not feel an ounce of care towards him. Naruto hummed as he remembered that day...

Izuku had been looking down as he finished explaining his and Katsuki's past as Naruto placed a hand on his shoulder and he grinned, "Well that means you just gotta be my hero duo instead." Izuku's eyes had widened so much that the blond was surprised at the fact that his eyes didn't pop out. "R-really?" Naruto grinned, "Of course! It's the least I could do, especially since you help me all the time with my quirk, even with you helping me with all the combinations I don't think I'll be able to truly find every combination, so I guess making sure we have the most time together doing hero work will help even more."

The wobbly smile that made its way onto Izuku's face made Naruto stumble slightly seeing the tears. "Ahh don't cry! Ahh, We don't have to be! I mean... it's..." before he could get anything else out Izuku jumped on him in a hug. "Of course I want to be!"  The biggest reason for his outburst towards the blond... was he was the first person outside from his brief 'friendships' when he was younger, to actually want to be something to him... to be a friend, to be a hero duo. It felt like the weight of the world was on him as no one didn't want to be anything to him, besides a stepping stone.

As he said those words, "Be my hero duo instead." That weight washed away almost instantly... it felt as if he could be anything and he would be fine after that... Naruto smiled briefly at the reminiscing, he had hugged the boy back which was an awkward explanation as Tsunade walked in afterwards, but Izuku didn't mind as he explained what Naruto offered and Tsunades smirk could only confirm that there would be teasing whenever and however she could find... not like much changed really.

Looking back at Izuku he noticed he was also pressing his hand to the side of him and as he looked closer he noticed a grip weight, every single time he gripped it, it looked as if he was getting more and more tired, Naruto frowned at that before placing his hand in the rooster sign before blowing out a small amount of wind and it lightly brushed against Izuku's face making him look over briefly as Naruto held up his hand and gestured a squeezing motion before shaking his head.

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