The walk was pretty quiet.
Not for Uraraka or Mina.
Just you.

Could these really be my first friends. They're coming over too, I better make sure I keep my pills handy.

You were just in front of the apartment building.
"This apartment building." You said scratching your head.
"Woah, woah, woah aren't these like, extremely expensive. Like only pro heros live here."
"Yeah, I have connections I guess" Those connections being your dojo master and Mt. Lady.

As you and the others walked through the loddy. Uraraka and Mina where overwhelmed, looking at all the gold details on the wall and the marble flooring.

"Welcome back Y/N, Your room was just cleaned. Who are these two girls. Would you like to put them on the list?" said one of the workers.
"These are my fri..." Where they my friends "Yes, these are my friends Mina and Uraraka. Please put them on the list."

As the three of you took the elevator up to the top floor. Uraraka and Mina kept staring at you with curiosity.

"I cant wait to meet your parents, they must be super aweome."

Honestly, you where sick of lying to them. It hurt. They where your first friends and you were lying to them.
Talking a deep breath in. You said,
"I live alone, I dont have parents anymore"

The atmosphere became quiet.
The both of them looked at you while you stayed forward.

The silence broke from the ding of the elevator.
Going down the hall you opened up to your room.
Floors were marble, walls were plain, everything was so simple and elegant. Clean too.

"Woah, your apartment is beautiful." Mina said.
In respect it seemed they avoided asking you about your situation. Which set you at ease.

"You can set your bags down next to the counter, or wherever." You said taking off your jacket. "Are you guys hungry at all. I can make some food or bring out snacks if you would like."

"Oh no I ate before getting here," Mina said laughing.
"Do you have any vegetables. If so I'll take some"
Nodding your head, you grabbed the veggie tray from the fridge and set it down at the table in the living room.
"Make yourselves at home. The bathroom is the third door on the left down the hall. If you need a change of clothes my door is the last door in front."

A few hours passed after helping the both of them with their work.

"Thanks for helping me y/n. It means so much. But, I should get going!" Mina said grabbing her bag.

"Wait, if it's okay with y/n, you should stay the night with us." Uraraka said smiling at you.
You've really never had a sleep over. So, being the first time this is all happening. You actually didn't mind it.

"Of course. Only if it's okay with you y/n?"
"Of course it is. This will be my first one."
The room went quite and the both of them started at you as if you were crazy.
"You've..." Mina said
"Never had a sleepover!" They said in sync
"How could you miss out on having fun. I mean, the face mask, taking baths, playing games,!" Mina said rushing over to you as she grabbed both of your hands.

"Well, I-I've never been to school or made friends till today actually" you said scratching the back of your head, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Well then he'll yah I'm staying over. We are gonna make this night the best." Mina shouted. "Now where are your sodas?"
"In the fridge. Bottom shelf" you said as you sat there chuckling.

"Looks like we are having a party! How in the world did you get your hands on these?" Mina said holding up bottles of alchol.

Oh right, those where the drinks master gave you at every rewards ceremony.
"My Sensai would get a little to drunk and then buy those for me. I've never had them though" you said chuckling.
"Huh?!" Mina said looking strait at you. "You've had these in your house, and not once have you took a sip."
You nodded your head in agreement to her. "That's right!"

"We have to throw a party!" Mina said.
"I mean Mina, should we though. We don't know the apartments rules." Uraraka said.

You had an idea. A party wouldn't be so bad and your neighbor happened to be good at this kind of stuff.
"I'll be right back, can you guys move your backpacks in my room for me, thanks!" You said closing the door behind you.

Currently in your room

"I just can't believe she lives alone, you know? I guess it's kinda sad." Uraraka said starring down at her bag.
"Which is why...we are gonna throw this party and make her have a good time." Mina said throwing a thumbs up.
"Yah, yah you're right"

𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜// 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now