Chapter 16

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"Here, I finally finished!" Alex handed Ryan and Kyra form fitting black suits. As they slipped into them they noticed that there was no suit for the male feline. "Uh, Alex? Think you forgot something there buddy." Kyra said, sliding her tail into the back slot of her suit made for it. "I didn't have enough time and couldn't let you two to lose your powers so I made the second one for your genetics instead. Even if I lose my powers, its worth it...for you." Kyra kissed her new boyfriend deeply. "Your the best." Alex blushed a little and kissed her back, getting a silent thumbs-up from Ryan. They all were outside watching the moon pulse with a barrage of colors. "This is it. In 3...2....1!" The moon suddenly darkened for a second leaving the night pitch black until it automatically glowed a pure white sending matching white beams picking randomly throughout Japan. Alex suddenly felt one the beams catch him and was completely drained of ice powers yet allowing him to keep his hybrid body. The frozen energy gathered into a ball right before his very eyes. The ball then flew back toward the moon along with several others, leaving an exhausted Alex on his knees. He slowly got up for the last phase. The moon glowed golden as it redistributed the multiple powers. And, almost as if the moon itself showed sympathy, it gave the last one to Alex. Sending a golden ball straight into his chest. His eyes went from icy blue to a bright gold. His blue of his tail was now black, leaving the tip white. He kept the white hair of course, that's a national icon right there. We can't have it going to waste.He did however gain faded black highlights. "Woah. What is this? I guess I got a new power." "You're not the only one." Looked toward Kyra and Ryan who had taken their suits off at the last second. She no longer had cat parts but had bright red highlights and a small red diamonds in each of her palms. Ryan however gained a hybrid cat body and ocean blue highlights. Alex quickly ran to them. "Kyra! Ryan! Are you ok?!" "Yeah, we didn't want you to go through that alone." Alex helped them up. "You two are the greatest." The trio hugged and decided to see what their new powers were. Kyra instictively touched the ground and a flower began to grow. She recognized it once it bloomed. "A cherry blossom?" As she reached out to pick it, the petals flew off and circled around her hand. She lifted her hand and the petals flew up. "I wonder..." The previous petals circled her whole body as she planted both hands on the ground creating a field of cherry blossom flowers around her. She lifted one hand up and all the petals came to form a sword-like object, when they disappeared a pink sword revealed itself underneath. The boys stared in awe at the beauty of her new powers. "Not bad." Ryan uttered as Alex elbowed him in the arm. "Ow!" He retaliated by throwing an electrified punch which Alex blocked with a sonic sheild. "Looks like you kept your powers with a bonus." Alex said examining the new cat. "It looks like you gained sound powers. Congrats." Both laughed and stopped fighting immediately.

. . .

"His scent is different." Nathan said. Timmy looked up with fear in his eyes. "You don't think-" "No, he still has powers. I couldn't smell him like this if he didn't. We'll have to be careful tomorrow." The blonde said. He smiled at the thought of getting his cat with a new twist back. "What if he doesn't wanna come back. He literally gave us the cold shoulder over that girl." "I know, but think of all that we've been through. He wouldn't give it all up like that for nothing." The wolf hugged the sad brunette. "Trust me. We will get him back."

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