Chapter 14

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"So all you want is to stay here so that your old friends don't find you?" The blonde had questioned, now serving the two cats plates of sushi and glasses of milk. "That's about it. In exchange I'd be happy to make a few technological improvements." Kyra stepped in at this point. "Yeah, he's really good! Let him see your daggers!" The blonde went to his room and did so. Alex was then given a set of tools to work with. "Alright, what's your power?" He questioned. The other boy let a few bolts of lighting crackle from his hand. "Gotcha. Gimme about 10 minutes." They both left the room as the cat worked. After the 10 minutes passed he came back in with a box which he gave to blonde. "Tada" he opened the box to see a pair of daggers. These daggers however, now had pale yellow blades with an electric blue trim. They shined brightly when the blonde touched them. "If you touch the bottoms of the handles together, they become chargeable by rotation.....You do know how to spin it right?" The blonde shook his head, sweatdropping. "Well, if you'll let me stay I'd be more than happy to show you." He looked toward Kyra who was nodded her head saying do iiiit! in her head. "Alright, but you have to bunk with me. I dont trust you around Kyra." The girl blushed at this. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" she questioned. The blonde laughed and showed Alex to his new room. "By the way, my name's Ryan. " Alex shook his extended hand. "Alex. Nice to meet you." As their hands touched, the cat felt a small shock. "OW!" "Sorry, couldn't resist." All three fell asleep soon after.

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"So, what ARE we gonna do about Alex? He is our cat but he helped her escape." Timmy looked up to the wolf. "He disobeyed a direct order. Regardless of how we are associated with the target, our job comes first. You should know that. But, if you want.....we'll consult the council." They then called the head of the E. J. O. and explained what happened. "It would seem the cat shows great affection for Kyra. The best way for him to pay for his crimes is to seperate them, permanently." The duo froze at the thought of killing their beloved feline. Alex had been through so much with them. The council heard the tense silence and explained. "We mean to take out Kyra. If you can get past Alex and apprehend Kyra by putting her in jail, we'll pardon Alex on the condition that Kyra be executed." The two grinned darkly. "We'll take it."

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