Chapter 11

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"C'mon you're boring meow!" It had been a month now since Alex and Timmy moved in. And in that month they'd become great friends, going through so much together. They were now taking turns sparring 2 on 1. Alex had been upgrading each of their weapons and suggested a test run. This match was Timmy and Nathan vs Alex. Nathan charged forward with his weapon- a sword that Alex enhanced to be able to catch fire but be resistant to heat. The blade was lit as it sped through the air but was stopped by an array of frozen claws. Alex used the material from his scythe to make gloves that could create ice claws that were created so that he could create slash shaped energy blasts. Like Buizel using Sonic Boom but colder. He somersaulted backwards using his free hand and swung his claws sending waves of concentrated icy energy at the blonde wolf. Timmy jumped in front of him and sliced the ice waves in half, keeping them out of harms way. His dagger now had a holographic appearance. Trimmed with a glowing copper brown light while the inside was a translucent brown, as if it was made of glass. Timmy had made the bowie knife transform to a saber with a similar design. The long amber blade multiplied as they all levitated around him and the wolf, twirling in defiance as if daring the creator to come closer. Timmy grabbed one of the sabers and chucked it at the feline who responded by knocking it away instantly with the claws. The brunette closed his eyes and mentally switched the blades to manual control, having all the blades dart at Alex. Though he managed to dodge the first few, they ricocheted back at him. The cat used his best evasive agility methods but occasionally found himself getting scraped. He stung from the multiple cuts until the older duo delivered a finishing blow. The cat fell to his knees and then the floor, passing out from shock. "Wow. He did an amazing job with these upgrades!" "Yeah, c'mon let's go get him patched up." Timmy nodded in agreement as they both carried Alex to the recovery room. Laying him down on the bed, they pulled a bottle out filled with a sparkling green liquid from a cabinet. "Wake up kitten, time for medicine." Timmy cooed. The cat slightly opened his mouth, eyes still closed. They tipped the concoction in the white head's mouth. They wounds instantly healed and he sprang up out the bed more energized than ever. "Man, am I good! I got the weapons upgraded, I got us state of the art medicines, I feel like reprogramming the security systems motherboard!" Nathan leaned to Timmy and whispered. "When did he make a security system?" Timmy simply shrugged. He walked over and patted the excited feline on the back. "Well we both think you did an outstanding job with these weapon upgrades kitten. You wanna go get something to eat?" "Nah, you two go ahead I got more work to do. I noticed a delayed ping in that manual system" he explained having Timmy hand over the dagger. "And I wanna see if I can make another sword to match Nathan's dark magic." Now receiving the sword. "Plus the Hyper Moon will be here soon and I want you to be ready!" Timmy was the only one who recently lived in Japan so Alex broke it down for him. "It's when everyone in Japan's powers gets drained by the moon and redistributed throughout the city. I know how to make a sort of shield from it, but it'll take some time. If you two do go out though, please bring me back something." "Gotcha! Cmon Nate, let's go blow up the town!" The brunette joked. Alex rolled his eyes and went into the workshop he'd built. Preparing himself for a hard days work. He wondered how his friend Kyra was doing.

I normally don't do this but a good song to listen to with this is Blazblue's Science Fiction.

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