Chapter 7

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"Ugh. Let me go!" The demon bear had the white head tied to him back to back as he ran through the thick woods. The bear only roared as he came to a stop. The hybrid looked up to see a large and ominous mansion. Two large demon owls each grabbed a handle on the double door as the bear trodded inside. "ah, I see my delivery is here." A boy who looked about Nathan's size if not taller, was sitting on a thrown. The bear clawed off the ropes binding him with Alex and pinned him under his paws. The pressure of the bear's weight made the poor cat yelp in pain and he suddenly heard a voice boom throughout the castle."NOO. BAD BARNEY!" He punched the bear's snout and the shown hatred made the beast turn a shade blacker. Alex felt a wave of sympathy as the bear backed away in fear. The man picked up Alex by the shoulders with ease and grinned darkly. "We need to treat our new guest with care." Alex squirmed to get free but the mysterious man didn't like the idea. He pressure pointed his neck and the cat slowly drifted to sleep. Going limp in his hands. "Aww, my little kitty took a nap" he carried him up to a room with no windows only a bed and a light bulb. Laying him down gingerly and closing the door behind him. "Goodnight kitty" click The door locked behind him.

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Meanwhile back at the house, Timmy was nursing Nathan's wounds. Wrapping up the last of the needed gauze on the wolf's arm. "Can't believe he took me down so easily" he made a fist shaking his arm in anger. "Hold still. There, that should hold until your wounds heal.

I tried to track Alex using the feature he installed, but nothing's showing up." "Dont worry, I found Ryzex's hideout a long time ago. We'll have to wait a while though." Suddenly Timmy lost his character and slammed his fist down on the counter. "WHAT ABOUT ALEX!? HE'S WITH THAT FREAK WITH GOD KNOWS WHAT HAPPENING TO HIM! WE CAN'T JUST SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING! YOU JUST WANT HIM GONE IS ALL!" He was seething anger. Nothing could get his mind off the fact that his precious cat was kidnapped. Nathan stood up and stared him down. Even when he was bandaged up, Timmy was still intimidated by the blond wolf. He looked up into his eyes and let an I'm sorry slip out past his lips. He didn't mean to yell at his friend, he just wanted his lost kitty. "What are we gonna do till it's time?" the brunette questioned. "We're gonna train so that we're more than ready to get our cat back." The copper eyed cloner looked up, eyes lit. He heard the wolf say our cat. He smiled knowing Nathan's heart was in the right place. "Then let's do it. For Alex."

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