Chapter 3

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It was the next morning. The sun was getting a good distance on the horizion. The smell of breakfast infiltrated the entire house. The culprit was none other than Timmy who was at work frying up bacon. As he turned off the stove ire there was a gentle knock at the door."Sounds like Nathan finally made it home." Sure enough, the previously mentioned 16 year old was waiting at the door. He was 2 inches taller than Timmy with blonde hair with a red highlighted bang and bright red eyes. He himself was also a hybrid but inside of being part feline he was part canine.The wolf had small blonde ears and a shaggy but strong tail. He came in closing the door behind him. "Hey Timmy! Glad you made it safe. How'd you slee-" His nose suddenly got a familiar scent. Followed by a growl "Did you bring  a cat with you?".All the joy coursing through the brunette suddenly transformed to panic. It wasn't a question, it was a demand of answer. "Not exactly. You see i-" Nathan showed no attention in the excuse and darted off to track the smell."Wait!" He'd forgotten all about his friend, his FELINE friend. He tried to stop the wolf but it was too late. Nathan was standing above a terrified blue-eyed kitty with his fangs bared. Timmy quickly reverse bear hugged Nathan to keep Alex safe. That was when he revealed his powers to the feline. Alex watched as Timmy cloned himself into 6 of the brunette and carry Nathan out of the room. Closing the door behind them. Wh-who w-was that? Alex thought to himself. Meanwhile outside, Timmy explained what happened last night and why he took Alex in. "Fine. He can stay. But don't expect me to let him stay long. We'll both be bringing home money from working at E.J.O. and one thing we don't need is a freeloader!" As much as he wanted to argue, Timmy knew Nathan had made a valid point. "What if he works with us?!" He suddenly exclaimed. Nathan was about to veto that thought but Timmy whipped out his best puppy dog eyes, which even Nathan couldn't ignore. He sighed and said" Go tell 'em" Timmy excitedly ran back into to tell Alex the good news while Nathan went into the indoor gym to smash a sandbag with his name on it." Today's gonna be a looooong day."

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