Chapter 5

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Once the two teens made it to the sparring room, they took their stances ready to get started."Hope you're ready!" Alex stated. Before Timmy even had the chance to respond, Alex seemingly vanished."What  the-WOAH"Timmy barely managed to dodge Alex as he tried to strike him from above to his right. Timmy being fast himself immediately grabbed Alex's wrist and started to spin him midair. Alex didn't feel like puking up bacon, so he grabbed Timmy's other hand. From there he lifted his legs so that the soles his feet were on Timmy's chest. He then propelled himself off and using his cat-like agility backflipped of off him, landed perfectly on his feet. He saw Timmy perform a backwards somersault landing in a fighting-ready pose and smiled to himself. He dashed toward the brunette and cartwheeled at the last minute so that he could deliver a kick to the face. Timmy blocked it with ease." You're really good. But not good enough to beat me." Timmy said cockily. The human had the smaller cat in a chokehold which he was desperate to get out of. Squirming frantically until he'd decides he had to get serious. His body began to radiate a glowing blue aura and became to cold to touch. Timmy quickly released him and backed up a safe distance. Shivering from the cold wind flowing around them. He realized now that the cat had the ability to control ice. He brought out his bowie knife, admiring the dagger's bronze blade that matched his eyes. " Alright Alex, get ready. Weapons are out." "Understood" Alex then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small baton no longer than his fist. He flipped the small switch at the top and let it unfold into the full-sized scythe he had before. Twirling it in one hand he jumped towards Timmy spinning the weapon like the wings of a helicopter. He swing the surprisingly light scythe with great ease, having to only use one hand at a time while Timmy blocked MOST of the strikes. Taking a small scratch to the face or arms every now and then. He realized that Alex was superior when it came armed combat when he had him on his butt with the scythe's smooth, long, and sharp blade at his neck. Daring him to move another inch."Alright, alright. I give." He announced dropping his dagger to the floor. Alex shrunk the scythe back to baton-forme and put it away, extending his hand to help his new friend up. Timmy grabbed it and whispered"gotcha" but before the feline could react, he found himself pinned down by the brunette. Timmy was sure to keep his hands in place so that he couldn't get to his scythe. He looked down at his smaller feline friend with a sinister smirk."So, it's a tie, right?" He asked, now straddling the cats stomach with his arms pinned under his legs. The cat smiled."No way! You lost fair and square. Get off you big baby!" "Excuse me?!" "Uh-oh" Uh-oh was write. The cat had challenged his dominance at the worst of times with calling him a baby. The brunette began to tickle the poor hybrid with the same sinister smirk. After a while he stopped"Do you surrender?" The exhausted boy nodded as a reply, too tired to talk. "So it WAS a tie?" He questioned again. Once more the cat nodded, but this time more reluctantly."Good, now tap out." The cat's tail appeared from under him and thumped the ground three times. The brunette rolled off and laid down beside him.2 seconds later Nathan came in."So who won?" Timmy looked over to Alex who said"it....was..a....tie" exhausted.

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