✿ t w e n t y t w o ✿

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"uh, so i was thinking.. we should go to a date? like.. in an amusement park or something that's fun." jimin and jungkook is on the phone, talking between their break and jungkook has been excited to meet up with jimin because it's been two days since.

"yes, sure! i love amusement parks! the last time i went to an amusement park was when i was ten." jimin answered with the usual cheerful tone, instantly removing the stress from jungkook and the crease between his eyebrows.

"when do you want to go?"

"hmm.. i checked my schedule a while ago and.. whenever you're free, i guess? im not that busy."

"tomorrow it is then?"

jimin laughs, "so soon? you miss me that much?"

"yes, missed you so much. it's been two days." jungkook sighs, and jimin laughs at his silliness.

soon, jimin hears someone call out jungkook's last name and that's when the call ended, but now without saying goodbyes and i love you's.


"hi, pretty." jungkook says as jimin opens the door for him. bending down a little to land a little kiss on jimin's lips.

"mmm, you're extra handsome today? what's the occasion?" jungkook's ears flushes as he had something planned but says it's because jimin is too pretty and cute.

jimin punches jungkook's chest but loves his praises nonetheless.

"is it near?" jimin asks as soons he puts on his seabelt and jungkook slides in.

"my kiss? yes." not a second after that jimin's lips is occupied and his cheeks red. still not processing what just happend and jungkook just laughs.

jungkook kept flirting throughout the entire car ride and always leaving jimin a stuttering mess. both are giddy.


"woah ! it's so pretty here !" jimin's eyes shine brightly as he stares at the attractions and huge rides.

"c'mon, why are you just standing there? i want to ride already." jimin grabs jungkook's hand and practically leaps to the line, jungkook almost trips but he holds himself just right.

"you're so cute, just like a child. how are you so energetic today, hmm?" there's still a couple of people in front of them so he initiates a mini conversation and just to tease jimin.

"it's been.. hmm.. thirteen years since ! im so excited, of course."

"okay then, we'll ride as much as rides you want."

"and gguk, why do you have a camera? are you going to take pictures?"

this is part of jungkook's plan. he's going to document this. and show it to jimin once it's ready.

"yes, now stand in front of the gate and give me a big smile, jiminie." jungkook says as soon as they finally entered the gate.

jimin did what he was instructed and smiles big, raising his arms too.

jungkook has a big smile too as he takes jimin's pictures, both laughing as jimin makes silly faces.

finally, they decided to hunt for their first ride.

what they didn't know was the people smiling over them and teenagers squealing as they look at the cute couple.

they first chose the pirate ship. jimin gawks at how small he is compared to the swinging boat. he looks up to it and excitedly waits for their turn, all the while jungkook is having the time of his life capturing the most beautiful being.

it's finally their turn and immediately jungkook leads them to the end of the ship so they'll be at the highest later.

"ggukie.. im kinda scared to be here." jimin pouts.

"don't worry i'll hold your hand, okay?"


"no? your waist then?"

jimin beams and squishes himself closer to jungkook's side, "yes, please !"

jungkook kisses his temple and holds his waist protectively. the helpers fastens the bar in front of them so they wouldn't fly out of the boat when it swings.

"ggukie, it's starting to move !"

"yes, baby. hold tight."

jimin screams when their part reaches the highest point, each time he feels like standing up because of how high the end is.

"ggukie, i'm so happy and scared !! hold me tight or i will not give you kisses for a day !" jungkook laughs and holds jimin tighter with his other hand and the other gripping the bar to keep himself steady too.

after five minutes in the air, the ride finally slows down and soon the helpers lifts the bar and guides them to get out of the seat.

"ggukie that was so fun ! let's go to the caterpillar next !" jimin practically drags jungkook to the ride, not waiting for the other's answer.

"we're too big for that jiminie, our upper body would stick out so much.

"i don't care, it seems fun. look it's going so fast ! you like it too, right?"

"yes, of course."

jungkook was right, but only for him because jimin is just right size and jungkook is too tall.

"i'll be the one holding you now, ggukie. so you won't fall off ! i didn't realize you were so big !" jungkook laughs and jimin slings his arm around jungkook's waist, squeezing himself again on his side.

the ride starts, and they can't hear anything else other than theirs and others scream and the loud noise of the cart wheels from how fast the ride is.

jimin laughs at himself when they finally leave the ride, remembering how he was screaming so much. jungkook isn't different, either.

jimin is more likely clutching on him for dear life, but it was all good.

"roller-coaster !!" jimin once again, drags jungkook to the gigantic ride.

"it's so big ! we're going to be higher than the pirate ship !"

"yes, jimin. don't puke on me okay?" jungkook jokes.

"no promises, ggukie !"

our inner child really do come out in amusement parks.


happy valentines lovelies !!

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