She took to visiting the room that Nathaniel had set aside for Tobias often, her other brother's body still perfectly preserved in the flawless diamond skin that Unabonan had gifted him. She had thought she might feel a little morbid, visiting a person who had already passed on – but Tobias's expression was so peaceful in death, that she could almost pretend he was sleeping.
The first time she had ventured there, her fingers had ghosted over his own, the diamond casing smooth and a little slippery against her skin, and she had found herself talking before she realised it – sharing with him every little detail that she wished she had been able to tell him when he was alive.
And she told him she loved him. Nathaniel had passed his final words onto her earlier, and she had felt her heart shatter all over again. So, she told him she loved him, and she repeated as many times as she pleased, but felt that it still was not enough. That it would never be enough.

When it became too much, she would inevitably find Cobalt, and his warmth would always thaw her out again and set her mind at ease. He was teaching her how to sail – she knew the basics of course – but she accompanied him at the helm, and he let her take the wheel as he taught her all of the finer details, his mind an endless wealth of knowledge.
It was in times like these that Circe was reminded of just how different their upbringing had been. Cobalt and Obsidian had grown up on the sea, it was their home, and they knew it like the backs of their hands, yet Cobalt never underestimated the ocean, Circe knew this much. She had never seen him take anything for granted.

"The sea is an unforgiving creature," he had told her, "turn your back on her for one moment and you're a dead man." His eyes had twinkled, "But if she was any less, then there would be no weight to our reputation now would there?" He had laughed, "and Obsidian would have lost interest long ago. He does not like to fight easy battles."

Circe had agreed drily, "I know that much."

But although the days did not drag, Circe still felt the weight of time pulling at her clothes. So, when a familiar white sea of lilies appeared at the horizon on the morning of the fourth day, Circe could hardly believe her eyes.

She leaned out over the side of the railing, her entire body filled with anxious anticipation and when Cobalt came down to join her, she had already decided.

"I'm going," she said resolutely.

"Can't wait any longer, huh?" The shaggy haired Pirate teased, as he lounged against the railing beside her.

Lacy was hanging off the bow and she looked back at the pair with a grin, "You know we would only be holding her back," she laughed freely.

"This is true," Cobalt mused thoughtfully, "I doubt they plan to let us all in anyway. Hobbson?" He called to confirm.

Up on the topside with his steady hands on the wheel, Hobbson gave a nod in reply. "Best let the Princess go ahead. These are friendly waters; we can last for a day or two while she goes to fetch Bones."

Cobalt let out a snort of laughter that Circe ignored. On her other side, Ambrose had appeared, his blue eyes serene.

"Let me accompany you."

Circe shook her head. "No, they know I am coming. It's fine to go alone."

Across the water, Nathaniel's vessel drew up alongside them. Her brother stood at the helm, in the same position as Hobbs, his curls shining golden in the early morning sun. Leonardo stood beside him, lounging against the railing with a light smile on his face.

"Are you going?" Nate called out to her, picking up on her mood immediately.

She met his gaze and nodded, her eyes shining brightly. "Yes."

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