A Helping Hand

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Katara could not believe her luck. First she found herself in some strange nation, or future... whatever it was, with none of her friends and family to help her. And if that weren't a bad enough situation already, she just so happened to run into a gigantic man who also happened to be a firebender. His massive frame and built even made the intimidating Combustion man look small in stature. Either way, her instincts prepared her for a fight and pulled out all of the water she had of her canteen.

"You can tell every other fire nation soldier they are not going to be capturing me!" she declared and lowered into her guard.

Endeavor chuckled as he looked at the girls defensive posture. He didn't even process what she had said since she looked serious about taking him on. "Please, little one. I'm not sure where you are from, but you obviously don't know who I am."

"Why, are you a general or something?" She sneered at him.

"A general? HAHA!"Endeavor threw his head back and couldn't contain himself. "You must have hurtyour head recently, girl if you don't know who I am." he stuck out his hand trying to coax her to come towards him. "Now, how about you just walk this way and make it easier for me."

"How about you get out of my way!" Katara swung her arm forward and shot a column of water encasing his hand. She prepared to yank backwards to pull him off balance, but before she even could his arm released a blast of fire outwards vaporizing the water on his body.

Her eyes went wide as her water steamed off of him and back towards her. "What? How did..."

"Come child, I would rather not have to hurt you. It won't look good for me if I have to actually use force on a kid. Especially a young girl like you."

Those words sent a sting of anger in Katara. 'Does he think a girl can't handle herself?' she growled internally and pulled the water over her shoulders.

Seeing she didn't want to surrender, Endeavor frowned and ignited both of his hands. "You really want to make this difficult? Then fine." Bright white knives of fire formed in is palms as he walked towards the waterbender. "You asked for this, so don't complain when you get burned."

Gritting her teeth, Katara began launching her water whips towards him, but watched as he casually ducked and dodged both of them like they weren't even there. 'For his size, is speed is incredible.' she said to herself as the flame hero seemingly danced by her attacks. 'Looks like I won't be ending this fast like I had hoped.'

The two thick arms of water she manipulated then broke out into a mass of tendrils extending from her hands. She began waving her arms over her head creating a spinning whirlwind around herself and walked forward. Endeavor didn't try to evade from the incoming spiral of water however, simply using his flame knives to begin slicing through each of the small whips like they were butter. After a few more spins, Katara stopped and looked up to the incoming man with her worry beginning to grow. "He's just... the water is nothing to him."

A Waterbending QuirkWhere stories live. Discover now