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Hello again friends,

I'm just here to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot if you've interacted or just read this far.

Some background information that's maybe interesting. I was really not planning to continue the story after 7 days but I secretly had ideas back then and even took a paragraph out of the last chapter because I wanted to use it later. I was still scared I'd ruin it by writing more though, especially because my ideas were going in a new direction entirely.
Somewhere I read a prompt that said "AU idea: they're both petty criminals but kinda suck at it" and for some reason that stuck with me.
At the same time I was watching the 3rd season of Westworld and if anybody has seen it they might have noticed that EREBOS was inspired by it.
Anyways, then I started writing and it wasn't a smooth journey at all. I had a lot of writers block and ups and downs but the details of that aren't interesting.

Now at the end I'd say this book is my baby even more so than 7 days just because I worked a long ass time on it. It was written it multiple seasons and lockdowns and all in all it took me pretty much exactly a year to birth this thing from idea to this last chapter.

If I had the possibility to hug each and every one of you I absolutely wouldn't but I guess everybody here is kind of alright.

I seriously suck at goodbyes so I'll just finish on this. What's your all-time favourite vine?

Thank you again, stay safe and hydrated

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