NIGHT IV.2: broom broom

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• pov: Billie •

As much as I missed driving, this ugly-ass smelly Renault was no Dragon. Two people in matching masks sprinted out of the gate just as I arrived. I gave myself a mental pad on the back for the perfect timing.

The one further behind yelled something in a rough voice. The other guy opened the back door and threw a heavy looking backpack and a flashlight inside before following. He was breathing fast. On second glance they looked more like a woman but it was hard to say.

Another door opened and the second, big brawny guy finally got his ass in the car. He was the one who had given me the Renault along with the instructions of when I had to pick them up and where to bring them.

Only now I saw that the two were being followed. I cursed, pushed the glasses up my nose hastily and pressed my foot on the gas.
In a video somewhere I had heard that yellow glasses blocked blue light and gave a clearer vision when driving at night. That was obviously just an excuse to wear them. Nobody was supposed to recognize me but that did not mean I had to look crusty. Of course the one time I actually needs a mask I did not have one with me, this was not exactly what I had packed for, but the bandana was good enough.

I glanced down at my phone. It was a short drive, just a little over six miles to the drop-off point. There was zero traffic at this hour, we should be quick.  As soon as we were on a bigger street I started to relax a little.
In a twisted way I was having fun. I got to drive around at night which was the only thing better than driving around during the day. The potentially dangerous work was left to the others and the payment was not too bad either, not that it mattered to me. The only thing that mattered was that I felt something; a rush, a thrill, being part of something. And not a single person knew. That was the best part. I was nobody, a link in a chain of nobodies.

Was it absolutely reckless? Yes, but that was just part of the excitement. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted. Nobody could stop me.

I looked to my right were king_cobra was riding shotgun. I wondered what motivated him. The money most likely.
The traffic light ahead of us switched to red and I slowed the car to a halt. My fingers tapped nervously on the steering wheel, my palms sweaty inside the gloves. I had been doing it for a while when I realised I was drumming the quarter notes and triples to 'bury a friend' and I stopped.
From the back I heard rustling and glanced in the rear view mirror. 3nity or whatever the fuck she called herself was still trying to figure out her flashlight. The light was being reflected off the windows and it was starting to annoy me.

Just turn it off already, I thought and resisted an eye roll, it ain't that hard. Are all robbers such idiots?

She looked up and for a second our eyes met. The traffic light switched to yellow and without regard for my passengers I accelerated purposefully hard. I watched as she hit herself in the face with the flashlight. Hidden by the bandana I smiled with satisfaction and looked back at the road ahead.

Without any incidents we reached the city center. The streets were busier here, even at this time of the night. At a crossway there was another red light. I let the car roll to a stop.

At the bottom of my phone screen I read the remaining time: four minutes.

The destination was less than a mile away.

The red light seemed to take forever. A drunk pedestrian crossed the street and disappeared out of view. Across from us another car came to a halt.

The longer we had to wait the more nervous I got. Suddenly I was hyper aware of the other two people in the car with me. The small space seemed filled with the heavy breathing, the rustling of clothes, king_cobra adjusting his balaclava and cracking his knuckles. The sound raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

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