Chapter Eight: Cant A Student Wave Nicely Towards Their Teacher?

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It almost brought me to tears, almost.

Opening the doors to the cafeteria we made our way to the back table where the boys as well as two girls sat, and let me tell you. Those girls weren't dressed.

I mean they were, but they might as well not of bothered. Their arms wrapped around Calum and Tom.

" Get a room" I spoke out, sitting down on the table. All eyes turned to me with a look of need.

They were in desperation, and the reasons why were clear.

It takes a girl to get rid of their own kind, their own bitchy kind!

" Excuse me would you mind leaving, your clearly not wanted on this table " The two girls whipping their heads around to glare at me.

Their arms visibly becoming tighter as the one around Tom decided to speak.

" And who are you?"

" I'm none of your business now please leave!"

" Bitch I think your the one who has to leave, your clearly the problem" As they both rested their heads onto the boy's shoulders to only be shoved off.

Rolling my eyes I ask again politely.

" Can you leave now, I really want to sit here in peace without worrying about throwing up when I look at you both" Gasps were heard from the girls.

" Good one Ov" Tyler commented

" Ov?"

" Yeah, we all kind of decided to give you a little nickname if that's alright!" Tom spoke out, his body becoming further away from the arm that bitch number one is clung two.

Humming in approval, I cant really do anything to stop them from calling me what they want so I might as well agree and move on.

" Hun, do you know who we are?" Bitch number two asked, lifting her index finger and pointing it at me.

" Not really, I did just get here. Don't expect too much. I just decided to call you bitch one and bitch two"

Their glaring eyes turning into one of anger before smirking..

" We are the twins from mayor Thompson, Dandy and Cathy Thompson!" She responded, smiling smugly towards me. If she thought I would bow down right their, then she was tragically mistaken.

" Sorry Mr. Mayors daughters, but that still doesn't solve the problem of having two unwanted people at the table. So could you leave, your really ruining my lunch." The frustration grew in me, being relatively nice is too hard.

Let me just smack their heads against the table!

The two girls look towards one another as they rise up, looking towards me and then the boys their eyes travel to the fork on the table.

If their planning to stab me with the fork, they really are at their greatest low.

As I wasn't mistaken, as they threw the fork directly towards me, however before I could use my eyes to send it their way. A hand appeared in front of me.

" What the fuck Dandy, who throws forks at people?" As he caught it, which left four hole marks which cover themselves in seconds.

"What the, that's sick"

" Why thanks you, it took sometime to get used to the forever changing skin. I feel like a snake when they begin shedd-"

" Nobody asked" Xavier spoke up, chomping back down on his apple. Clearly enjoying the show.

However, before I knew it, my head was bashed down onto the table.

Laying their for a few seconds to regain any last respect for them,  however unfortunately finding none, I raise my head.

" What the fuck is wrong with you both, just leave for fuck sake" Dante shouted, anger clearly in his voice.

Damn, he sounds mad. Extremely mad.

" Oh haven't you just signed your death warrant" Standing up and grabbing both a hand full of hair.

" Let's play, how many times can I hit the table with two airheads before their noses break off" I stated, excitement in my voice as the two brats kept stomping on my foot.

Sadly that's not going to hurt as much as this will.

Bringing both of their heads down towards the the table, full force required as I hear a massive crack... ops.

That was faster then I thought..

" What have you done!" The one on the right, apparently named Dandy screamed.

Blood streamed down her face as her nose looked visibly broken.

Dante sat staring at my head, as if looking to check that I was okay. Examining me.

Before looking back at the table once he realised I was staring.

Or he could be looking at my head to see if I am mentally okay after the hit to the table.

And not going to lie, it hurts..

Just then the bell rang. And let me tell you, I couldn't of ran any faster.

But before realising that the whole cafeteria was now looking at me, some were in shock others in excitement. And some of them just shook their head in disapproval.

Miserable people, that's what they are.

As I exit the door and into the hallways, not before however giving Mr.Hallway and Flowers a quick wave as they look towards me in confusion.

What cant a student wave nicely towards their teachers?

Chapter eight -Complete-
(1842 words)

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