"she'll be okay, you know? i'm worried too." daryl told her, pulling rosaline close.

     she nodded, "i know rosita will protect her like her own, eugene is there too, but i'm just worried. alpha- she's just not merciful. neither are her people."

     "you don't gotta worry, we came out here to catch a break. if anything happens to vis i'll kill her and all those people myself-"

     the couple made their way to the beach where kelly, rachel, and connie were helping bring in some of the nets. horizon and rhaegar had run over to the two sisters, barking. the four waved at each other, acknowledging their presence.

     ezekiel had joined up with them on the docks, where daryl placed a hand above his eyes to block out the harsh light while scanning the horizon ( ironic ) for a boat. carol was supposedly meant to be on it, which is why the king was with them.

     "you ever wonder why they call bird shit 'guano'?" ezekiel questioned jokingly to spark up a conversation between them.

     rosaline shrugged, "no. same thing really."

     "nah. i just call it bird shit." daryl added.

     "yeah. me too." the king admitted. rosa chuckled at him, "you know, when i worked in a zoo, birds used to scare the hell out of me. lions, tigers, no problem."

     "why's that?" the brunette arched a brow.

     he cleared his throat, "there's a kind of sense to the way big cats operate, but ostriches? those things'll disembowel you for lookin' at 'em sideways."

     the marksman bit his nails, "you gotta eat more birds show 'em who's boss."     

     rosaline slapped his hand out of his mouth, "stop it, eat the birds then, not your nails."

     ezekiel guffawed, "wonder what seagull tastes like."

     "not chicken." daryl told him.

     a yap interrupted them. connie had brought over horizon and rhaegar. the two dogs brushed themselves against their owners, daryl smooching at them and muttering some words as they shuffled around excitedly for some attention.

     the mute woman nudged them, showing her notepad.

i think you lost something.

     "uh... no, that one just likes you better." daryl responded, pointing to the dog, then her, and gave a thumbs up. that was his attempt to sign at her the girl, rosaline smiled, watching as her husband gave it his best shot. it was kind of sweet, "right?"

     connie gave him an impressed look, writing something else as he slapped his chest, bringing horizon back on her haunches, pawing at his chest as he muttered 'good dog' to her.

not bad - you sign with a southern accent.

     rosaline giggled, as he seemed shocked, "really?"

     she nodded, then turning to rosaline, hugging her, she took back the notepad and wrote something else on it.

how's the visenya? home?

     the woman grinned, bobbing her head up and down, and then began to sign to show her what she had learned, "yes. back at home, she's okay."

     connie gave her a pat, approving of her effort. just then, a bell rang out, announcing a boat was going to dock. daryl waved it over, giving a loud whistle seeing as carol appeared at the front waving back.

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