How You Met

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You and Giovanni met at FIT where he went to study for college. You were in the same class as him and always noticed him but were too shy. Your tiny little crush grew bigger every passing day.

One day, finally, you got the courage to approach him. He sat a little close to where you were sitting. His laptop on his desk and headphones on, banging his head a little and jamming to whatever he was listening to. It was a few minutes before class started so y'all had a little bit of time to chill.

His pen fell from the table and bingo! There's your chance, womaaannn! [A/N: Sorry not sorry for the Cracker reference] 

You picked up the pen and handed it to him, "Here,"

"Thank you."

You got a peek at his laptop, "Gaga? You have great taste."

"I know right!" He giggled. You started having the butterflies and turned around smiling like a child on Christmas day when he tapped you on the shoulder.

"Excuse me,"


"I'm Giovanni." He held out his hand and you shook it. "I'm Y/N."

"Pretty name... Um, I think you're really pretty too... like, drop dead gorgeous, um... I-yeah."

[Can't-form-a-sentence-Aqua has joined the chat]

He finally put himself together after a few minutes. You sat next to him in class and chatted, making jokes here and there. T'was the college coming-of-age romcom. ツ

Gigi Goode:

You met them at a boutique. You were shopping because of a big event you were attending and you were STRESSEDT.

Gigi was looking at pants and saw your frantic little ass running back and forth, practically rummaging the entire shop. Little did you know, they have been watching you scan the whole place for the perfect outfit.

You were about to try on something for the 3,435th time when they tapped you on the shoulder and handed you a gorgeous romper that was definitely the color for you.

"Hey, I think this would look really cute on you."

"Thanks, I think so too! I'm not the best shopper."

"To be honest, I feel like you could wear a diaper and people would still think you're beautiful."

You felt yourself blush but also chuckled because of the Valentina reference, "I think they'd be like, 'Valentina your smile is beautiful!'"

"A woman of culture, I see." they giggled, "You can call me Gigi."

"The name's Y/N."

"Stunning. Now, go try that on and if it doesn't work we'll look some more!"

You tried it on. It was perfect.

Gigi soon had to leave and you waved them goodbye, mind-slapping yourself for not asking for their number or even IG account.

You were about to pay for the outfit but then something fell out of the pocket. A piece of paper with a number and note written on it.

"Call me if you're in another fashionmergency-or if you just wanna chat.
xoxo, G"


You're a big fan of drag, especially of it as an art form. You saw Utica through hashtags on Instagram and immediately fell in love with her drag.

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