A Story

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Chloe POV

It wasn't a soft kiss teenage girls imagine. It wasn't even a kiss with passion, the once when the other person wants more than kissing.

Adam's kiss was full of pain, anger, sadness, fear, it was a bouquet of emotions. It wasn't soft and slow, it was as if I was his anchor. Holding him from getting lost in his pain, anger and all other emotions. One of his hand was placed in my hair, the other was holding my waist. I don't know why I didn't push him away. Maybe because I was surprised, maybe tired, maybe because it was dark, or because I lost lots of blood.

I don't know how long the kiss lasted, but when he pulled away he left without saying anything, his figure disappearing in to the dark. I was grateful to him for that. I guess I should go home now, forget the hospital, Jo'll help.

• • • • •

Second day of college didn't start very well.

"Hey there sl*t." I choked on my tea when I heard some blond barbie call to me.

"What did you just call me?" the laughter instantly stopped.

"What you really are." Girl smiled, "If you don't understand then I explain, you are a girl who easily gets laid." She smiled, she thought she won. I didn't answer, not that I didn't have anything to say, I did, I was just trying to decide how cruel should I be. Barbie opened her mouth to say something but she got interrupted.

"Coco stop before it gets too late." Adam said. Everyone looked at him as if he did something impossible.

"Adam why are you protecting her?" barbie looked insulted, "You are ruining your reputation. She is just a new girl," she made an accent on the word "just", "you never stand up for me, why should you protecting her."

Judging by Adam's expression he didn't know what to say. Guess it's mine time to shine.

"Should I tell you a story?" My voice echoed through the room, nobody spoke, so I continued. "Once upon a time there lived a little girl. She was rich, beautiful, popular. Everyone praised her, at home at school at college but she had a secret. We all have dirty secrets no matter how good we look from the side." I smiled enjoying the silence of the room. "In her room there is a little box, and in it there's a photograph of her brother." I looked at Coco's pail face. "As I said before everybody loved that girl, even if they hated her in secret." I made a pause, "But she never had enough, her brother, he annoyed her. He was older than her by two years. He was as beautiful if not more as she was, he was twice as smart, all the best university wanted him to join them. He was kind, he had so many friends, he was nice to everyone from nerds to jerks." I paused again. "She hated him, she didn't like the idea that he was loved more than she was." I smiled, all good memories coming back, "Once he left to the capital city, and returned very happy. He said that he met the nicest person that existed on this planet. And on his next birthday his new friend send him a million dollars as a gift." I stopped, I have to admit that I liked the students reaction. "That was the last thing. The girl couldn't stand this, she could not bare with the idea of her brother being better than her. So one evening she asked her brother to go on a walk in the forest with her." I heard whispers go through the room, looked at Coco, she was pail, looked as if she'll faint. "And after that walk no one saw her brother again, alive." the room went death silence, as I was finishing my story. "In three weeks they found his body in a lake with a bullet in his head. In four weeks they found a gun where the bullet came from, in the box under a bed in his sisters room." Coco went white. "In five weeks his sister was fairly accused of his murder. Her father paid a lot of money to keep her out of jail, instead she spent six months in rehab." The room stayed quite after I finished.

"How do you know?" Even so Coco was whispering everyone heard it, and the room we were in went viral. They understood who this story was about.

In this noise I came up to the Barbie and spoke into her ear so no one else would hear:

"I know everything, about everyone." And I walked to the door.

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