Leave This F*cking Place

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Chloe POV

I asked Jo to wait in the car, I have to admit it was difficult to get rid from him. I was walking around town, I needed to know what it looks like. I have to admit that the town was pretty. It was old styled, people here were pretty nice too. The houses were placed along streets, only the biggest houses didn't have an exit straight to the road.

I already found out who lives where and knew that soon I'll walk past Tom's house. If his parent's at home I can visit him, he invited me right? He lived here for long enough, maybe he has something to say about this place. I don't like violent methods but if he won't cooperate with me, well, I'll prefer to not think about what I do then. Just I'm too kind to think of that.

I stopped to think, is it really such a great idea? After Jo told me that this stupid, stupid, super annoying boy went to the police station asking for information about me I got angry, and still not in the best mood. I feel sorry for Tom. Well, he should think positive no college for him tomorrow.

"Hey, Chloe!"I heard someone shouting my name, and turn around. I think it's Jerry, but who knows.

"Hi, you're Jerry right?" I say and straight away get a reply.

"Yes I'm Jerry, I just want to say be careful, I'm telling you this not because I like you, I don't like..." I raise my eyebrow at his words, and he notices, "well, it's not that I find you disgusting, I just don't want to see you as my friend or anything like this. Just leave this town as fast as you can, please. He was planning his revenge for years, I don't know if he'll use you for that, and I don't care if he is going to use you, not that I want you to die, I want you to leave this town, but I don't want you to die," the guy didn't look well, he was looking around himself as if looking for something or someone, " Adam, if he'll start looking who you are he'll might find out things..." suddenly Jerry became pale as if he saw a ghost. "Just leave this fucking town, this place, we are all going to die, leave this town, never return to this hellhole again, you'll die, he'll die, they'll die, I'm already dead, because he saw me. Leave this fucking place, for everyones good." and he ran off.

I stood there my eyes wide open. What was that? What revenge? Why would everyone die? Why do I need to leave this town? What will Adam find out if he'll start looking? What a fuck is happening in this place? Someone help me work this out!

"Run!" I hear someone scream as I turn around, I'm not going to go home and leave the plan of visiting Tom just because some boy said that.

When I turned around I saw a figure running my way. The rest happened too fast for me to react.

I got pushed down to the ground, and then there was a loud bang, the time stopped, the sound stopped, my vision blurred. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even scream, not that I normally do, I couldn't stand up because someone was on top of me, holding their body in a plank position. And then I realised who it was, and was really angry at this stupid person:

"Adam." I hissed.

"Yep, that's me." Said Adam, his eyes started to darken.

"Get off me." I was really pissed, "Better go and try your luck again asking police about who I am."

"And who told you that?" his voice was low, for a second his eyes shifted to my lips. Please tell me this is a nightmare. First thing that came to mind when I stoped thinking about the situation of Adam being on top of me was the bomb so I decided to have a conversation as normal as it could be.

"What blew up?" I asked. A shadow came over Adam's face.

" Tom's house." I could see Adam didn't want
to speak of it. And then it hit me:

"Was he in the house?" I was half whispering.

"With all his relatives." Adam looked very angry.

"That's awful." I felt awful, an entire family was killed, and what was the reason? Exactly, there wasn't a reason.

"I'm going to kill whoever did this." Adam said , and he wasn't joking. For some reason I felt sorry for him, and the best thing that came into my mind was to hug him. The position I was in was uncomfortable for a normal hug so I hugged him around the neck.

I felt him tense. His eyes went black and he looked at my lips. This made me feel uncomfortable, it was weird. Luckily, or not I got saved by Ben.

"This is interesting." He said with a grin. Adam got off me as if he was struck by a lightning. I was not as fast as him, I didn't really care about what Ben would think. I never cared about what people think of me

"That's not what you think." Started Adam, and when I understood what he was talking about I felt as if I'm going to start laughing.

"A house just blew up, people died, and what are you talking about?" Guys looked at me as if I told them the words largest secret. But they didn't have time to answer, because a police officer came to us.

"Mr. Parker, you were seen next to the crime scene, please follow me." Said the officer and I saw how Adam rolled his eyes, but that was none of my business.

I walked off, not knowing where to go or what to do, a lot happened, I needed to think about it.

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