Chapter 1

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No ones POV
    Rainy and cold.That's what it was always like on the tiny island know as Nesoi,the island is named after a goddess.The island is ruled by a Queen and king..Mr.Cabello and Mrs.Cabello. Beloved people of the kingdom they where kind,smart,and took action if needed.There was a villager knows as Zeus a Nick name given to him by his parents they died when he was young they had nothing to give him.So Zeus lived on the streets not enough money to get into school he was greedy but didn't show it he knew someone or something would fall for his 'kindness' as he called it.
    One day he was walking by the kingdom hoping to see the king and queen he admired them.He thought that they where amazing and just so lovable there the only people who really cared about him even if they don't know him.What he means by that is the king and queen actually cared about everyone and they helped you see he had a plan.If he got close to the king and queen then they will take him in and help him then when he got older and they died they will leaned him the castle.Just because he lived on the streets doesn't mean he isn't smart he's actually smarter than he looks.
    "You younger sir please come with me" Zeus turns around to see a tall guard in black,red,and gold armor "Y-Yes sir" he says as he follows the guards through the gate "The king and queen would like to met you do you know how to approach them?" He asks while opening the huge castle doors "Yes sir" Zeus smirks to himself his planed had worked. After a couple seconds more of walking they come to this big door he knocks and a stern but gentle voice comes from the other side of the door. "You may enter" The guard opens the door and bows before approaching "Your majesties I have what you have asked for" the guard says as he stands tall and moves out the way for the king and Queen can see Zeus "Ah yes thank you Santiago you may leave" The guard bows and leaves closing the door.
    "What is your name young sir and how old are you?" The king asks gesturing for him to come closer Zeus bows and Approaches."M-my name is Juan but people call me Zeus and I'm 13" Zeus says meeting there gentle eyes "Well is it ok if we call you Zeus?" The Queen asks "Yes your majesty"Zeus says with a small smile "Oh don't be silly call me Sinu" Sinu says sticking her hand out for him to shake "And you can call me Alejandro" Alejandra sticks his hand out for him to shake. "Have a seat we would like to speak to you about something and answer any questions you might have."
    "Well you see Sinu  and I would love for you to come live with us....We where wondering what you think about it?" Alejandro the king asks "I-Yes sir I would love too" I sit up even straighter than I was I smile so wide they both laugh a little "But if you don't mind me asking why?" I met there eyes confused a little because I see Sinu tense a little "Well you see I'm not sure if you'll understand but Sinu can't really have a baby..and we'll we just wanted to help little kids who live on the streets out there.And when Sinu was painting she saw you looking at the big gates and she thinks your really special." Alejandro says "Oh and we're going to put you in our finest school here" Alejandro says looking at Maria and then Zeus.
A couple years later
"Hi Sinu" Zeus says as he takes his armor off "Hello Zeus how was the ceremony?" Asks Putting down her napkin on the table "It was amazing I cant believe I'm going to become Sargent" Zeus says as he puts his sward down on the side of him and takes a seat."Ah yes I know I'm so proud of you" Sinu smiles and puts her hand on his face feeling her cold ring on her cheek "Thank you....wheres Alejandro" Zeus asks picking up his spoon to pick up some rice "He should be on his way" Sinu says taking a drink of her red wine.Two minutes later the king walks in "Ah hello my Queen and Zeus" he kisses his wife and pats Zeus shoulder and takes a seat."Sorry I'm late I had to take care of something but how was the ceremony?" The king asks taking a seat "It was great" after dinner the king asks Zeus to head up to his office "Zeus I would like to share something really important with you" he says taking a seat in his thrown grabbing a big book "This here is what the royals call 'The Enchantment' it holds the most important thing in this island" he opens it up going to the middle of the book and grabbing a key from desk to open it. He opens the little lock to revel the most beautiful green Zeus had ever seen it was shiny and magical "This is something I'm going to give you,when Sinu or I pass on to the after life you will become king" Zeus smiles and says "Thank you....thank you so much" Roland gets up and hugs Zeus.
But from the time Zeus was welcomed into the kingdom across the world a girl named Camila was born or so we think.
Zeus's POV
I couldn't sleep.I was thinking about the necklace Alejandro said he would give me I needed to see it again I needed to try it on and I was wondering what's in the book.I noticed he was a little tense maybe he was nervous to show me the necklace.I get out of bed and head out of bed and go down the hall to Alejandro office.I open the door quietly and step inside I closes the door,quietly.I walk over to the other side of the room and grab the book I flip over to the middle of it and grab the necklace it always glows with how green it is it's just so beautiful.I take it out and put it on feeling the power of the necklace it's so beautiful I decide to take it off and put it back in the little case and put it back as I close the book a photo come out.It's a picture of the little girl she's adorable I turn it around and see 'Karla Camila Cabello our daughter' My heart starts to ace I thought they said they couldn't have kids.I turn to the book shelf taking out my phone and shining the light in the spins of the book until I come across one that reads 'Journal' I take it hoping to find something about the little girl.I open the book and skim through it Nothing so far I come to the middle of the book and read the title of the page 'I'm pregnant' it's Sinu's book.I sit back and start reading 'I'm pregnant Alejandro already knows but...we need to give her up I have a friend who lives across the world I will give the baby to them.Maria and Roland will make great parents.The reason is I want the baby to live a normal life I want her to just be normal and have a happy life and not worry about there royal life or there duties here on the island.We decide to name her Karla Camila Cabello.' They have an actual kid.This is not ok with me they lied to me he decided to keep reading.
'We got Zeus today he's 13 I saw him the other day when I was painting he's so adorable.Alejandro and I don't want to tell him about Karla we just can't the last I heard she was already so grown.I want to see her but Alejandro said no I understand why but I miss her.' Of course you do Shes your daughter.I turn to the next page and she didn't write much after that until today 'Alejandro showed Zeus the Dragon Pendant...I was mad when Alejandro said that he told Zeus he was going to be king.I want Karla to be Queen when we pass I was going to see Camila before I pass.I heard from Maria yesterday she said she's doing great and wanted to go by Camila her middle name I'm so proud of my little Camila.But Zeus isn't ready I just know it I hope he won't get mad when we tell him the news tomorrow...who am I kidding of course he will' oh you already know I am.Wait till you wake up tomorrow it will be your last one will be taking that thrown away from me.
To be continued.I hope you all are having a great day.Drink water,eat something,check on your friends.And of course congratulations to Biden officially becoming president even though it happened a week or so ago.But yea have a Great day.💙❤️

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