four: one night, three docs

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Park!" Daniel eagerly intervened after he got off from the floor where Bobby had shoved him before. "Will... you... go out... with me?" his breath was ragged from running.

I just stood there and stared because frankly, what fresh hell was this?

"Of course, guys" she chirped happily.

Both guys perked up at that and they looked at each other confused.

"I'll go to the movies with you."

I cannot explain how much both their faces morphed in pure shock and horror, but I was already laughing hysterically. This girl was talking to both of them like she didn't know what the invitation meant, and I couldn't control myself.

"Wait, what?" Bobby was the one who asked.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" she tilted her head slightly to the side. "All three of us to go to the movies together?"

I snorted loudly and felt Bobby's glaring eyes burning holes through my skull, but I could care less. This shit was priceless.

"Uh.. well" Daniel was stuttering. "Actually –"

"Fine" Bobby cut him off, which caught my attention. "We'll go to the cinema at 5pm this Saturday."

Wait, what?

"I'll pick you up" Daniel chirped with an excited grin. What a loser.

"Wait a second" Bobby turned to face him with a menacing glare. "I will be the one to pick her up, and you better not –"

"Guys, don't worry" this time it was Roseanne who interrupted their quarrel, as she turned to Bobby. "Since you're the one who proposed we go to the movies, Daniel oppa can pick me up while you buy the tickets."

And that's where I completely lost it and laughed my ass off. I could feel the amused tears rolling down my cheeks because this chick had just managed to single-handedly humiliate Bobby's annoying ass. Not only did she turn their date invitations into the weirdest fucking hangout, but she was making him pay for all three of them. Karma's a bitch and she had smiled at me.

Seeing his pained expression gave me so much joy.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up" Jennie held her hand up in the air as if collecting her thoughts, before she spoke again. "You're saying you didn't know it was supposed to be a date?"

Roseanne lowered her gaze to hide the evident embarrassed blush on her face.

"No" she mumbled truthfully.

The room went silent for a moment – the only sounds were our breathing, and the nervous way baby loser was fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

Jennie sighed.

"Anyway" she said, trying to lighten the mood. "So, how did it go? What movie did you guys see?"

Uninterested on the topic, I rolled onto my back on my couch and stared at the ceiling, silently wishing the rain would stop so I could go out and not have to listen to their boring conversations.

"Actually" I head baby loser clear her throat. "We didn't – we couldn't watch anything..."

She trailed off and released a nervous chuckle. Spiking my curiosity once more, I turned on my side and stared at her confused.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Jennie frowned.

"Park, are you saying they stood you up?" Hanbin asked as he took a bite off his sandwich.

blame it on meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon