I already knew that robots weren't going to be a part of our exams due to the talk I had with Dadzawa at one of the visits during the weekend. It happened to be the first visit and Katsuki wasn't there since I didn't think he was going go to have to carry me home, but I had to call him to pick me up after I was done.

When we were walking down the hall, Dadzawa started to speak to me.

"I already spoke to All Might about this and he will be meeting with you when you are getting checked by the old lady."

"Okay, and are you sure about this? Is this the best idea, for me to be teamed up with a teacher? Let alone All Might?" I asked as we turned a corner and went down the stairs. Dadzawa sighed and reached his hand over me before letting it sit on my head.

"I came up with all the pairings for the exam due to relationships with other students, so I believe this is the best outcome pairing I could think of." Dadzawa explained to me again and I nodded while I felt his hand ruffle my hair a bit. Why am I always getting pet? Is it because I'm small?

We walked into Recovery Girl's office and heard her talking to someone.

"You better get up All Might, she'll be here soon." Recovery Girl said and I questioned why she would be making All Might get up. Wouldn't we be sitting down to talk strategy? Dadzawa then pushed me in the doorway and walked down the hall, telling me that he'll see me at the end of the practical. I walked in and stood frozen in my place. My eyes trailing over to the two people in the middle of the room.

Recovery Girl was talking to All Might just a second ago, so who is this skinny, frail looking man in All Might's hero suit? Is this some kind of joke? Did All Might hire someone the exact opposite to him to mess with me? No, he doesn't seem like the joking type.

"Recovery Girl... who's this? I thought All Might was supposed to be here..." I trailed off and the skinny man and Recovery Girl went pale. I stood there silently for a minute or two when I heard Recovery Girl sigh, as well as the skinny man.

"No use in trying to cover it up now Toshinori." Recovery Girl muttered and told me to take off my blazer.

"Where's All Might though?" I asked out and the skinny man coughed before standing up. I looked up at him and my eyes widen when he like expanded and grew taller. Only to reveal the hero in question...

"All Might?!"

(A/N. Now wouldn't it be funny if I left it there lmao)

All Might's POV

Young Eimi looked up at me with wide eyes before swaying and falling backwards. I quickly moved behind her and caught her small body before she fell and she was wearily looking up at me while pointing a shaky finger.

"But-but.." She started to stutter but I stopped her by pushing her small hand down and placing her on a bed. I quickly deflated as to not waste my energy, now that she knows, there is no point in hiding it. I'll have to have a longer talk with her at a later time, I should probably bring Young Midoriya as well.

I sat down on a chair beside the bed and Recovery Girl came over with some bandages. I never got to see what her injuries looked like before this. I wonder how bad they are. Young Eimi sat there just staring at me in shock while Recovery Girl had to unbutton her shirt to check the bandages. She kept the couple of top buttons clasped together and just tucked the rest of her shirt into her bra's band.

I watched as Recovery Girl unwrapped the bandages and my eyes widen when I saw what was left of her wound. Recovery Girl nodded while looking at the wound and lightly grazed her gloved hands over it to see if there was any reaction from the child. She didn't move but new bandages were still wrapped around her sides as well as a sort of brace to help make sure nothing happens in a worst case scenario.

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