“Ready?” fred said to the other two, quivering with excitement. “c’mon, then-I’ll go first-”

We watched, fascinated to see if it will work, as fred pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket, that said “fred weasley from hogwarts”. fred walked right up to the edge of the line, and stood there, rocking on his toes like a diver preparing for a fifty-foot drop. then, with the eyes of every person in the entrance hall upon him, he took a great breath and stepped over the line.

For a split second we all thought it worked-George certainly thought so, for he let out a yell of triumph and leapt after Fred-but next moment, there was a loud sizzling sound, they had been thrown by an invisible shot-putter. They landed painfully, ten feet away on the cold stone floor, and to add insult to the injury, there was a loud popping noise, and both of them sprouted identical, long white beards.

The entrance hall rang with laughter. Even Fred and George joined in, once they had gotten to there feet and taken a good look at each other's beards.

"I did tell you," said a deep amused voice and everyone turned to see dumbledore coming out of the great hall. "I did say that only people whose charm is the best. We have not been taught yet." He looks at us. "I suggest you both go up to Madam  Pomfrey she is already tending to Miaa Fawcett, of Ravenclaw," I felt sad that someone from my house had this happen to them. "And Mr Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say neither of their beards is anything as fine as yours."

Fred and George set off for the hospital wing, accompanied by Lee who was howling with laughter. We all stayed there and I waved to Lucy.

Lucy then walks to Natsu with a piece of paper. She hands it to him and whispers something in his ear. He stands up walks over to  the goblet and puts in his name. Everyone is staring at Him. “I knew you would do it. I am surprised that Erza did not stop you.” I see Erza sitting there all happy. “This was your idea wasn't it. Because the strongest could not use their magic. Meaning you and I you put in the slayer. sigh” Erza nodded. The rest are still trying to figure out how Natsu is able to get past the age line.

"How could you?" Ron asked.

"You had to do it with people around." I am getting mad. I am about to beat the crap out of him when Lucy calms me down. I settle for punching him.

"To answer your question Ron it is because I am..." Lucy and Erza slug him. I grab him and slam him into a wall. The Jellel takes him and throws him then Juvia kicks him. Then Gray grabs his wand and freezes him.

"WHY THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO THAT!" Ron said. We look at him.

"It is something we can not say but he Is fine." I say to prove that Natu comes out of the ice.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT STRIPPER!" Natsu yells at Gray. Gray is laughing his ass off.

"Natsu calm down" Lucy walks up to Natsu and kisses him on the mouth and whispers what he was about to say and how wrong it was.

"What is with you what is going on." We tell them that it is nothing and this is better than what we do to each other at home.

"Really?" Harry asks.

"Yep we are ruthless." I say. I stare at him. I look down and realized that I transformed into satan soul to punch Natsu.

"DEMON" Hermione cries. I fly off to the forbidden forest and change back. I go straight to Dumbledore's office.

"Dumbledore, I showed my magic can I talk to everyone." He looks at me.

"I thought you were the calm one." He said surprised.

"Natsu pushed my buttons to far." I say. He nods his head. He calls everyone to the great hall. We arrive and they all look scared of me. I see Lucy run up to me.

"You ok?" She asks I nod. Once we get to the teachers table I Dumbledore talks.

"You all have heard that Mira seems to possess a demon." They all nod hoping that it is not true. "She has three of them. It is part of her magic. She captures demons and it makes her stronger. She would never use it again at another student" Dumbledore said.

"I saw her beat up that new kid Natsu." I hear a kid for Durmstrang speak up.

"That is true. We all go all out to beat each other out. Our main hall is destroyed daily. Natsu and Gray get into a least five fights in one day. Lucy kicks Natsu in the face once or twice a day. I punch Erza or Juvia trying to hit Gray or Natsu. We all end up in a fight. If you see us fighting don't worry. One more thing that will get you killed by any of us. Don't mention Jellal's past. He will slug you. Don't steal Erza's cake. She will literally kill you. Do not say Lucy is weak. Loke and Natsu will slug you. Complaining about Grays stripping. Or tell Juvia that you are going to ask Gray out or ask Gray out at all. You will be unconscious before you can say ‘hi’. For me don't diss my friends you will be punished." Mira walks away with that.

Everyone looks scared. The fairies are happy about what I said. They are also scared because of the tone she used. Even the teachers are scared. There was a small laugh from Malfoy. I walk to my table and sit down. The food appears and I eat. The normal kids are all scared to start to eat. Once they see me eat they eat but in silence. Once I am done I head up to our tower and enter. I head to my room and contact Lisanna. Once I tell her what I said she looked so shocked.

"I can not  believe you said that." Lisanna had her mouth open. "You scared them to death. You won't have friends." Lisanna now looks worried.

"I always have Erza, Lucy and Juvia. I will be fine." She shakes her head.

"But still..." She starts.

"I have to go people are coming."  I put the lacryma back under my pillow and look up to see Luna and Cho. "Are you guys scared of me?" I ask worried.

"No not really. When most people get scared, it’s really just the nargles. They make your brain go fuzzy and impair your thinking.” Luna said. I look at her and see her talking serenly.

"Thank you." I say.

"You were amazing I have never Seen a girl stand up that much. Your hair was flying in the air. It looked like you were going to change." Cho said amazed.

"That is because I was so mad I would have become a demon. I have calmed down now." I look at them. "I am going to go to bed" I slip out off my bed grab my PJ's and change. I slip into bed and sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~line brake lalalalala~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning

I am down in the great hall. I see the goblet there. We are reading names today. Me Luna and Cho are eating when Dumbledore stops us. "Okay time to tell the names of the triwizard tournament." An piece of paper flies out. "From Hogwarts Cedric Diggory" he puts it on the table. Everyone claps and he walks to the table. Another paper flies out. " From Hogwarts Natsu Dragneel." He puts the paper down. Everyone was not paying attention. They all clapped. When he went up they all stopped.

"WHAT" everyone screamed.

A/N: Thank you for reading. We love your reviews (Hint maybe you should review Hint). So please R&R.

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