"Alright." You responded, and All Might walked over and picked you up from Izuku before walking into the woods. He set you down and only backed away when he knew you had your balance.

"You need to think of some way to activate the power but keep it under control. You'll only be able to use a small percent of the power right now, so the chances of getting it your first try aren't too good. Worst comes to worst you'll get a broken arm."

You pressed your lips together with your eyes wide. "You make a broken arm sound, not like a big deal."

"It's not. If you inherited this power with your body in the wrong shape then it could completely rip you apart inside out."

"Oh, gee, that was great to know. Thanks for the information on that one guys. I don't really want to do this anymore."

All Might laughed, "Nonsense. Plus, either way, it's too late now." He looked at Izuku, "Make sure you still have some power Midoriya, my boy."

He nodded, and his hair looked like a random breeze picked up as the leaves around him lifted off of the ground. "I think it's still working!" He smiled, "Look All Might!"

"That's good. As long as you can feel its presence." He turned toward you. Your legs were shaking from holding up the weight of your body for so long, "You!" He pointed his huge finger at you, "Imagine something to activate it! Your brother imagined eggs in a microwave! Don't let them explode!"

A half-smile appeared on your face as you looked over at him snickering, "An egg?"

"Pay attention Midoriya. Imagine that power coursing through your body, but don't let it overflow."

"Flow?" He stood there with his arms folded as you closed your eyes and started to try to imagine the area around. Every living thing that could be nearby. You sat there and imagined gates opening up with water beginning to flow throughout your body. You could feel it move everywhere including reaching the tips of your fingers as you just stood there. "I can't move!" Your breathing picked up as you were frozen there. "I feel something but I can't move!" The pressure was overwhelming, and your head started to hurt.

Izuku looked worried, "All Might. That didn't happen to me. Is she okay?" Your eyes were wide as you just looked at him, "Deep breaths Y/N. Try to reduce the energy!"

"No!" All Might snapped at him and held out his arm to him, "She has to do it on her own." He wasn't smiling and looked completely serious as he looked back at you.

Izuku started to pick the skin around his fingers. It's too much for her. She's completely frozen but All Might isn't doing anything. You were trembling, but the force of the power was so much that your body wasn't moving at all. "All Might! If you're not gonna let me give her advice then you do it! Don't you see her freaking out?"

"She needs to reduce it on her own. If this happens when her life is on the line she's as good as dead!" You could feel your heart throbbing. Each beat seemingly echoed throughout your entire body.

You looked at Izuku who looked more scared than you, and started taking slow breaths. It lessened to the point where you could close your eyes. You kept taking big breaths continuously until the power seemed to die down a little bit. Your body didn't feel heavy anymore though. It just felt, frozen. The power that was coming out was still too much. Slow it down.

The pressure was still there, but you could feel how much easier it was to breathe. "Try to take a step young Y/N." He sounded aggressive, but in a weird way like he was trying to be supportive. It almost felt like a dad watching his toddler take their first steps. When you moved your foot out and slowly began to walk he started clapping his hands while smiling. "Yes! That's what I'm talking about!"

The Quirkless Twin Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя