Chapter 11

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Harry is eating breakfast with his two best friends, a smile glued on his face. He can't stop thinking about yesterday. The start of the day was a bit shitty, but the boat trip, the restaurant and then the beach was just perfect. Harry and Louis stayed on the beach till 3 in the night. They didn't always talk, but words weren't needed between the two boys. They were comfortable  and happy just being in the presence of the other.

"Harry... Did you replace me with Tommo?" Niall asks, dragging Harry out of his daydream. "What?" Harry's voice is low, but shocked. "Yeah, like you've been spending a lot of time together and you went on that boat trip with him yesterday. I thought we would have gone..." Niall says silently. "I only had two tickets, NI." Niall nods. "Yeah I know but we could have bought a third one ourselves, couldn't we?" Guilt washes over Harry as he looks in the sad eyes of his Irish friend. "Yeah, we could have. I'm so sorry Ni. I didn't really think that through." "For god's sake, babe don't be so dramatic. You are the next level of stupid." Shirley interrupts the two boys. "Wow, babe love you too. Why those sweet words?" Shirley shakes her head. "Harry isn't replacing you Niall. Do you even have eyes?" The redhead girl asks. Both boys are looking really confused at Shirley, not knowing what she is talking about. "Well, if you have another explanation babe, please share it with me." Niall says right before taking a bite of his croissant. "Isn't that obvious? God, Niall Harry and Tommo are totally crushing on each other." Harry, who was drinking orange juice starts to cough really loud, looking with big eyes at Shirley. "Don't even try to deny it, Styles. I have eyes. I have a sixth sense for that stuff." Niall's sad face turns into one with a big smile. "I can't believe I didn't notice it. So... it was a date yesterday?" Niall says, eyebrows going up and down. "It wasn't a date guys and can you please keep it down. Not the whole hotel needs to know , okay?" Harry whisper yells. "So you are not even denying it? I can't believe this! My best friend has a cruuuuush!" Niall is happy, way too happy. "God, Niall. Don't be like that. I don't even know he likes me back. Probably he doesn't. And even If he did, we're not staying here forever. It wouldn't work out." Harry's voice is sad, starting to realize for the first time that he actually lives in London, and Louis on this beautiful island and that after a few weeks they will be separated again. "Don't be a buzzkill, Haz. Just enjoy your time with him. If something happens between you too, which will totally btw, enjoy it and I'm sure you will both figure something out when the end of the holiday nears." Harry just nods. Even though the end isn't even close, it makes him feel nauseous. He wants to stay with Louis forever.

"4-4 and that's a tie! Great comeback from Tommo!" Zayn screams in the microphone as Louis just pushed Harry in the pool for the second time in ten minutes. "Oh yeah! Doing it the Tommo way! Come on, guys. Do the little victory dance I taught you!" Louis says to the bunch of teens standing behind him. All of them stretch both their arms. One hand making a stop sign, the other hand moving their fingers. "Stop the traffic! Let 'em through!" Louis says enthusiastically, moving his head as well. The teenagers are doing the little dance with the entertainer and Harry looks fondly at the smaller guy. He is too amazing for his own good.

"Okay guys, we're going to play football now." Louis turns to group of 12-17 year olds and the boys cheer happily while the girls roll their eyes. "No discussion, girls. We did yoga this morning for all of you. " "Hey, Harry should come with us!" Tristan, one of the teenagers say. "Oh no, I'm fine guys. Thanks for the invite though." Harry gives the boy a smile as he declines the offer. "I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said, Tristan. Come on, Harry. Join us!" Louis smirks at the taller boy. "Okay, let me dry off and I'll come to the pitch." Harry can't say no to the perfect guy. Louis nods and together with the teens he already walks towards the pitch. A big smile forms on Harry's face. Louis is almost the smallest of the group and it's just way too damn cute how hard it is to find him in a group of teens.

"So, now he's even inviting you for activities you can't even do normally yeah." Niall says wiggling his eyebrows. "I wish you never knew about my crush." Harry sighs, throwing his towel on his sunbed after drying of. "You love me Styles." The fake blond says. "Yep, I do. That's my biggest weakness." With these words Harry leaves his friends on the sunbed and walks towards the pitch.

Louis split the group in two teams, equally divided. Some girls are playing but most of them are sitting on the side, gossiping and gigging. "Look who decided to join us!" Louis says as Harry arrives. "Harry, you're with us!" Stella, a girl from the left team says. It's amazing how they all know Harry. It must be because of that little game Louis and Harry have on and Zayn screaming Harry's name occasionally through the microphone. "Alright, then. Should I be goalie? I'm not really great." The curly lad says. The group agrees and they start to play.

"Another goal scored by...." Louis points at the girls who are sitting at the side. "TOMMOOOOO!" they all scream. Louis runs a lap around the field and high fives his teammates. "It's not fair! You guys have Tommo who is basically Messi and we have Harry who closes his eyes as someone tries to kick the ball in the net!" Tristan whines. "Hey, buddy. You invited him." Louis laughs. "But it's okay. Me and Harry will both stop and go on the side line so you guys can play. Than you can see who is really the best team. Is that a plan?" Louis asks. Louis' team protests a bit at first but then agree. Louis blows the whistle and they start to play again. Harry looks at Louis as he is leading the game a bit and  he can't stop smiling. "You sooooo have a crush on him!" Lola, one of the girls who is watching the game says. "What do you mean?" Harry says going completely red. "Boy, you are sending heart eyes at Tommo." Harry bites his lip, looking down. Why does everybody seem to notice he likes the entertainer? "Don't worry though. I think he likes you back. Me and my family are coming here now for five years on holiday and Tommo never invited someone to come and watch. Also never saw him do the pool thing you two have going on. He is a family friend by now and I have never seen him that close to anyone at all. Not even with El." The 17 year old girl says. "With El?" Harry asks. She nods. "Yeah, El. You know, from kidsclub, Tommo's ex."

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