Chapter 5

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Harry has been in his bed for the last 2 days. The first day he stayed in bed because of his hangover. It was bad, really bad. The second day he stayed in bed because he is ashamed. Ashamed of his behaviour. He wishes he would have totally blacked out like normal people when they drink too much. But Harry remembers every single thing. He remembers the show, the club and how he got a boner... because of a boy. And that's the reason Harry isn't leaving his room. He can't see that particular guy again. What if it happens again?

Harry is standing with Zayn and some girls while Tommo is still making out with that guy. Harry can't stop watching and he has never been this horny from watching two people kiss. He has been deeply in his own world, he doesn't realise someone joins the group of people. "Did you like the show?" he hears a raspy voice in his ear. Harry's cheeks flush and his heart is beating out of his chest. "What do you mean, show? I wasn't watching you if that's what you think." Harry's voice is shaking, influenced by his nerves. "Didn't say you did. Was talking about the hotel, but now you are mentioning. Did you like it Harry? Would you like to kiss me as well?" There is a huge lump in Harry's throat and he has no clue what he has to answer. Tommo's lips are touching Harry's ear softly and the green eyed boy feels 1000 things at the same time. He wishes he could say he hates the feeling, but the contrary is true. Harry feels butterflies and although he has no control over himself, his feelings and his growing boner, he loves every single bit of it. "Euh, I..." Harry's eyes move to Tommo's lips. They look inviting, really inviting. 

"Have you ever kissed a guy, Harry? Ever tasted the harsh lips of a man instead of those sweet girl lips?" he whispered in the ear of the green eyed boy. Harry bites his lip, trying to ignore the arousal he is feeling. The arousal caused by a guy, a guy he only knew for a  few days. "N-N...No" Harry stutters. The brown haired guy smirks at Harry. "Well, maybe one day you will, Styles." With these words Tommo distances himself from Harry, but right before he does so, he says one last thing before joining his friends. "It's okay if you want to. I know you want to. I feel you want to." Tommo's fingers touch Harry's hard one for a second and with a huge smirk he leaves the younger guy standing, mouth wide open. That night Harry wanked in the shower, thinking about the blue eyed guy.

It's one in the afternoon when Tommo wakes up. It's his day off and hasn't really planned anything. There's only one thing he really wants to do.

When he is showered, changed his clothes and looks decent, Tommo walks towards the pool to a certain spot. He sees the fake blond and his girlfriend laying down on the sunbed. "Hey, Tommo! What's up man. I didn't expect to see you. I thought you were off." Niall gives him a fistbump, his girlfriend follows his example. "Hey guys, yeah I'm off. I just wanted to check if Harry feels better. Is he still not coming out of his room?" the voice of the bubbly entertainer is full of concern. "He is still in his room. We tried everything to get him out of there but he declines. He just orders roomservice, doesn't even come with us to the restaurant. I'm really scared it's because of his ex." That last word captions the attention of the small boy. "What do you mean?" "Niall, it's Harry's business. Not up to you to tell everyone." Shirley hisses. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry. Hey I just wanted to ask... Do you know his room number? I would like to check up on him." Niall raises his eyebrow. "Why? It's not like you guys are friends or something. I think even the opposite, isn't it?" Tommo shakes his head. "I never had a problem with Harry. I like the lad. I think he does have a problem with me though... I'm not sure. At the club we were cool. Anyway, if you don't want to give his roomnumber that's completely fine." Tommo wants to walk away again but stops when he hears Shirleys voice. "456. Easy to remember. Fourth floor, reception side." Tommo looks over his shoulder and gives her a thankful smile. "Jesus Shirlz, and you tell me I shouldn't share Harry's business. You share his fucking roomnumber." Tommo hears the Irish lad says. He lets out a small smile. They are such an adorable couple.

Harry is laying down on his bed, watching the Spanish soap opera he started to follow. "No, Sophia, how can you do this to Marco!" Harry says dramatically, eating a spoon of ice cream he has delivered by roomservice. He hears someone knocking on his door and without thinking he walks towards it. "Niall, I told you I..." Harry's breath stops when he sees a brown haired boy standing in front of his door. "Hey, Harry. I wanted to check up on you. Shirley gave me your roomnumber. I hope that's okay? " Harry nods, getting flashback from that night in the club and the way this guy made him feel. "Can I come in? I could keep you company? It must be lonely." Harry doesn't say anything, just steps aside so the boy can walk in. "Don't you have to work?" Harry asks. Tommo shakes his head. "It's my day off." "Don't you want to  spend it on the beach or something? Not in a boring hotel room with a boring guest?" Harry is confused. Why would the guy want to come here? Maybe he wants to keep playing with Harry. "Well, you are not boring. You literally peed on me, we have a connection." Tommo jokes. Harry's cheeks are immediately red. "If you want we can hang out here for a bit and maybe you want to join me to a nice place to eat? I haven't eaten yet. Unless you are too busy watching... that." Tommo says pointing to the tv that's still playing the Spanish soap. "It is a nice soap. You should give it a try." Tommo watches the guy fondly. "If you say so, maybe I will." A small smile creeps on the younger boy's lips. "So what do you say? We finish this episode and then you join me to a restaurant? My treat! You should really come out of this room. You need fresh air. You are on holiday, babe. Even though you stay here for two months, you have to enjoy every second." "Why do you care what I do?" Harry asks a bit harshly. Tommo gives him a warm smile. "I like you. You are cool and I really want to be friend with you. You are staying here for two months and I really want to be the reason you enjoyed those months." Harry's heart is beating out of his chest and he can't fight it any longer. He doesn't want to be rude or ignorant anymore towards Tommo. "Yeah, yeah I'd like that too."

"This is the best sandwich ever!" Harry says after his first bite. "I told you. Always trust the Tommo." He winks at Harry and Harry tries his best not to blush. He doesn't understand his feelings. The only person that could make him feel this way was Caroline. Harry's face falls when he thinks about her. "Hey, what's wrong Hazza?" "Hazza?" Harry looks up with an amused smile. "I heard Niall calling you Haz, but I thought it missed something. Is it okay I call you Hazza?" Harry nods, trying to control his heartbeat when he hears the new nickname. "You know you can trust me, yeah? If something's up you can tell me." Harry knows he can. For some reason he has had a connection with the entertainer from the second they met. His feelings weren't always positive, but he thinks it's because he is just overwhelmed. For some reason he has the feeling he knows the guy already all his life. It's hard to describe. Harry just really likes his present and feels connected. But although Harry feels like this, he feels the need to snap. It must be his confused heart that's still not completely over his ex, and doesn't understand the new feelings towards a guy.  "Why would I trust you with something that hurts me a lot if I don't even know your real name?" Harry's words are harsh and Tommo looks hurt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get into your business. I just wanted to make you feel better. I'm sorry. We don't really know each other for a long time and I'm stupid for thinking I could actually be someone you trust. We went off the wrong foot and I know you don't really like me. I shouldn't have pushed you the way I did. I'll just ask the bill." Tommo stands up and walks towards the bar and Harry feels horrible. He doesn't mean to be rude to him, words just escape his mouth. He can't help it he is so confused. After a few minutes Tommo comes back, phone against his ear calling a taxi. Harry messed up big time. He doesn't know how to react or what to do. It's like he is completely numb. When the taxi arrives, Tommo steps in the front and Harry goes in the back. They are driving for like 10 minutes before they arrive at the hotel. The entertainer pays the taxi and walks fast towards the entrance of the hotel. "Tommo, Tommo wait!" Harry runs behind him but the smaller buy doesn't slow down. Harry jogs over to him and puts his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I'm sorry." Harry sighs, looking at the ground. "Louis..." the other boy says. Harry looks at him confused. "My real name is Louis. Louis Tomlinson." With these words the older boy shakes of the big hand of his shoulder and goes towards the staff entrance so Harry can't follow him. Both boys are confused. They never felt something like this. One boy has never been interested in a guy, and the other boy was never interested in... someone's opinion and feelings in general. All this over a boy they only met a few days ago.

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