Chapter 10

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"This is amazing!" Harry says as they are stepping off the boat, walking on a deserted island. "It is. I've never visited this place in the 7 years I've been living here." Louis says, eyes wide open taking in the beautiful location.

"You all get one hour free on the island. Then we will have a barbecue right here so please be back in an hour so we won't have to go back in the dark. If you hear the horn that means you are late for the barbecue and you better run back." Antonio says. Everybody nods in agreement and Louis looks at Harry. "What do you want to do? Swimming?" He proposes. Harry is thinking, but then a beautiful hill  reaches  his eye. "Let's go up there. The view must be beautiful." Harry says pointing and jumping. Louis looks fondly at the boy and nods. "Okay, we can do that Hazza."

"This is the LAST time you make me do any physical exercise!" Louis says finally reaching the top. "Don't be like this, Lou. You literally do sports and dance everyday for a living." Harry says looking amused at the smaller boy. "Yeah, that doesn't include climbing the Mount Everest though Styles." Louis says out of breath. Harry goes quickly behind Louis and puts his hand over his eyes, slowly leading him a bit more up so they are at the very top. "It is worth it. I promise you Lou." Harry whispers in his ear, removing his hands from the ocean blue eyes. Louis breath is stuck in his throat looking at the view. The sky is colourful and the waves break against the cliffs. "Wow..." Is all Louis can bring out. Harry looks at him, trying to hide is hearteyes but miserably failing.

Both boys are sitting down, enjoying the view. "Thank you for bringing me with you. No one ever really did that for me." Louis whispers, head leaning against Harry's shoulder. "Couldn't think about anyone else with who I would want to spend the day more than with you." Harry says on the same volume. Louis smiles, a weird feeling spreading over his body. "I'm sorry about this morning. I shouldn't have insulted Kennie knowing she is your friend. I'm also sorry again about ignoring you that week. I still don't know why I did that. It's not like it made me feel better, contrary actually. I like being around you, Harry and I'm shocked you want to be around me. I'm a handful and sometimes I can be a dick and...." "Are you done talking yourself down?" Harry interrupts the feather haired boy. Louis looks to the other side but Harry takes his chin, making blue and green meet again. "I haven't been nice to you in the beginning either while you just wanted to be friendly. I like being around you because you make me laugh and forget about things I don't want to remember. You have quite an influence on me in such a small amount of time, Louis Tomlinson." Harry smiles, not knowing from where he got all this courage. Louis has a shy smile and it's the most adorable thing Harry has ever seen. The two boys just stare at each other, electricity in the air. The moment Louis's head is coming closer, the boys can hear the noise of a horn in the distance. "Fuck." They both curse. "Let's go, Lou." Harry takes Louis hand and they both run off the hill.

"Sorry we're late, Toni. Still have food?" Louis asks as the boys arrive. "I knew you would be late, Tommo. There are two more plates, already filled them for you boys." Antonio smiles. "You are the best." Louis smiles, taking his and Harry's plate and they look for a nice place on the beach.

"You sure you've eaten enough Hazza? You only ate a piece of bread and a tomato?" Louis asks worriedly as he sees Harry putting his plate on the side. "I'm not a picky eater but I really don't like fish when it's still looking me in the eyes. It's kind of scary." Harry says, crinkling his nose. "Here." Louis takes his tomatoes and piece of bread and puts in on Harry's plate. "Lou, it's fine really. I'm not that hungry either." Louis shakes his head. "Eat this, Hazza." Harry shakes his head. "It's probably even better I'm going back on the boat with an empty stomach." Louis doesn't fight him on that and stops eating himself. "Fine, but then I'm taking you out for dinner when we are back on shore." A big smile appears on Harry's face and butterflies are going crazy again. He can't believe Louis wants to spend more time with him. But Harry being polite says: "You don't have to, Lou. I'm fine." Louis shakes his head. "You gave me one of the best days of my life. The least I can do is take you out for dinner. I will be offended if you say no, Harry Styles." Harry looks fondly at the older boy. "Okay, take me out for dinner then but a burger is fine. I don't need anything  fancy."

"What did I tell you on that island Louis Tomlinson?" Harry says when the boys are entering a restaurant, all in white, a big fountain in the middle and;.. Is that a violin player? "Relax, I know the owner of this place. It's not like I will pay a shitload of money." Louis gives Harry a reassuring smile.

"Louis, my son!" An older man with grey hair, brown eyes and darker skin comes towards the boy. It's the first person Harry hears Louis calling him by his own name. So this is Louis' father? "Yaser, how are you?" Louis hugs the man tightly. "I'm fine. How's my boy doing? Not in too much trouble?" the man asks. "No, no Zayn is fine." Louis answers. Harry is really confused. "Oh, Yaser, this is Harry! He is staying in our hotel and he is my very good friend. He is staying on the island for two months and he just took me on this amazing boat trip. Harry, this is Yacer, Zayn's father." Louis introduces the pair. Harry has a big smile on his face when Louis introduces him as his very good friend and not as a hotel guest like he did this morning. Harry politely gives the older man a handshake. "Aw, that's nice. Well, boys find a spot you like and order what you want. You know it's on the house." The older man goes back into the kitchen and the pair looks for a place outside where they can enjoy the sea view.

"That was the best food I have ever eaten, Lou." Harry says when they are leaving the restaurant. It's 9:30 now and the stars are already decorating the black sky. "Well that was the best day I ever had." Louis says back giving Harry a small smirk. "I don't want this day to end." Harry says, enjoying every second. "It doesn't have to! Let's go to the beach. We can look for shooting stars and make a wish. I have something I'd like to wish." Louis says while meeting Harry's green eyes. "What do you want to wish?" The taller one asks. Louis shakes his head. "I'm not telling you. I'm not going to risk to jinx it so it won't come true. I need it to come true, kind of badly." Harry smiles at the cuteness. "Okay, let's go to the beach then, make your wish come true."

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