Chapter Twenty-Five.

Start from the beginning

I flinched as I quickly shut my eyes not knowing what he was going to do next.

He then used his free hand to lift my chin up in order to have access to my lips. I swallowed. He used his thumb to pull my lower lip down as he stared at his motion.

I felt his lips then touch mine kissing me gently.

"I've missed you." He said and I paused because I almost believed him.

"You've missed me?" His voice was thick and husky.

I nodded slowly. I was a liar.

"You were a good girl while I was gone?" He asked and then glanced into my eyes.

I nodded again.

"Who's downstairs?" I asked calmly in almost a whisper as my heart began to drum in my chest as if it was an enraged animal in a cage.

Animals don't belong in cages and neither do I, in this house.

He looked away.
He couldn't look me in the eye.

He let go of my body as I took a step back from him.

"Chad?" I couldn't lift my eyes from him. I wanted an answer before I found out for myself.

"I'm sorry." He spoke as he searched my face for something.

I breathed in deeply and ignored his presence as I stepped down the staircase to see the back of dark long wavy hair sitting on my couch.

He has a type.

"What's going on?" I looked up at him as he came walking down and then she twisted her neck to see me. I glanced at her.

She was beautiful but her face carried agony and pain.

"Chad!" I yelled at him as he reached the ground and then tears began to stream down my face uncontrollably,

and I wasn't sure why.

That must be her, I don't doubt it for a second.

I felt hurt, tired, drained and angered.

I began to bang on his chest as I yelled at him.

"Why the fuck would you bring her here! Are you insane!" I screamed as he let me hit him.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled at her "Go!" I screamed with rage but she didn't move from her seat as I shoved Chad.

"Get her out of here! Get her out or I'm leaving!" I yelled as my face was completely wet.

She didn't get up. He didn't say anything.

"Fine!" I shoved him one last time and then gathered my strength to walk out of our front door.

This was my chance. I was hurt but this was my chance.

It was now or never.

My feet carried me towards my front door and then he came after me to pull me back. He threw me onto the couch beside her. She looked nervous.

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