The end

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She was crying.

Rebecca's face was completely red. I had no clue what to do.

So I did what I think what was the best. I called Nathan.

I could hear Nathan slow heavy steps he was taking toward me. But his pace quicken when he saw Rebecca.

"What happen?" He asked her, while pulling her into his arms.

"I-I a-am sorry. My dad d-doesn't want us to-gether." she cried.
I watched closely as Nathan stiffened, and held her tighter.

He kissed her head, "Don't worry baby, I'll talk to him."
She nodded her head and placed her head in his neck.
I needed Mel.

I ran to her, picking her up and putting her on the bed.

We laughed and giggled.
As we cuddled up together, I said what has been on my chest forever now.

"Marry me." I told her.


Nathan's pov

I ran into Rebecca's fathers room.

He looked up at me in disgust.
"Can I help you."

"There seems to be a problem with me being your daughters mate." I stepped toward him, making him back up.

"Y-yes," he gulped "you know what, there isn't any, any problem at all." he shuffled around, it was funny watching him squirm.

"Good." I stepped back out of the room and to Rebecca.

His abused mateWhere stories live. Discover now