She silently gasped. " Technoblade? " Just then, a stinging sensation errupted from her back, making her fall forward as she stayed frozen, afraid that the pain would become worse. It felt like a deep wound had re-opened behind her, and the soaked fabric was enough to confirm it.

" Just go back to laying down. " He tugged on her arm and started slowly pulling her down, setting her back down on the sheets. It took a minute before she was able to overcome the pain, and looked up at Techno.

A frowned laced her forehead as she stared at him. " You- "

" First of all, I was being pressured, everyone knows how bad I am at dealing with peer pressure; Second, it's not my fault; Last but not the least, you jumped in front of me like an Idiot and took all of it, which is why you are now, that. " Techno said all of this while raising a finger to each statement, Samantha listened carefully but was still uncomfortable with his prescence.

" I'm not an Idiot. "

His lips formed in to a straight line as he lowered his hands to his lap. " Being his saviour, No; Almost killing yourself because of it, Big Yes. "

She sighed, too tired to even fight back. He quickly took this chance to continue and kind of scold her for her reckless actions.

" Honestly, I would do the same for my family. "

" Then what makes me an Idiot, and not you as well? " Samantha complained with a harsh tone, but that was all she could do. If she wasn't in that position, she'd have Techno under her hands.

" Because I'm strategic and most definitely will not experience being on the edge of death while doing so, unlike you. " He came back, almost mirroring his words as heavy punches to knock some sense in to the girl.

" Do you even know what happened to you? "

Samantha's eyes remained on the dark grey walls, her mind completely blank as she heard Techno's last few words. Of course she does, everything was replaying right inside her mind with no signs of stopping. She clenched her fists and resisted the temptation of crying, swallowing every bit of emotions before turning to him, patiently waiting.

" You are quite something to ask someone of their own experience. " She laughed sarcastically.

" That's not what I mean. " Technoblade pulled the drawer from the same table the glasses of water were placed on, and pulled out a Potion bottle filled with dark liquid that emitted a rather unpleasant smell. " Do you know what this is? "

" I'll make you forget instead. "

" Harming: lower levels can cause temporary pain, while higher ones causes permanent damages, which is most likely death. "

" You forgot one part, " He looked at the liquid inside and started spinning the bottle around his hand, playing with it before his eyes landed on her's. " It makes you forget. "

Her brain stutters for a moment and her eyes take in more light than she expected, every part of her goes on pause while her thoughts catch up. She felt the familiar shock inside her heart, squeezing it ever so tightly that it might explode in any second, but as quickly as it came, it disappeared, leaving her in a state of numbness.

Suddenly, down towards the doorstep, stood a blonde man with his green eyes wide in the open, while he hid a mask strapped behind him. Techno was the only one that faced him, Samantha was in some trance as she immediately became quiet. The man being named as, Dream, walked towards the two to supposedly ask a few wondering questions regarding them.

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