One Night Stand (Yandere! Daisuga)

Start from the beginning

"Well, you had recently been laid off your job as a teacher because someone had framed something on you. So you were quite the mess when you called me last night." Daichi started "Do you remember that?"

"No, not really." Sugawara said, trying to process the sudden news

"Well, You said you were at the bar. I was worried, so I came over to find you using the police car tracker and found you tipsy but not exactly drunk." Daichi said "Then you and I got to talking and reminisced while drinking, causing us both to be pretty drunk, you more then me, as we called a cab and went here. The rest, i'm sure you know."

How does he remember all of this if he was drunk?

"This isn't your house." Sugawara stated, trying to take in all the information and remember "i've been there and in your room countless of times."

"Yeah, I guess I drunkenly put my grandparents house. Fortunately, I inherited this house years ago and my grandparents didn't have to see us drunk and stumbling in."

"Yeah, that would've been a nightmare." Sugawara laughed lightly

A couple moments of silence went by before Sugawara spoke up again.

"Listen Daichi, I-"

"I love you." Daichi said, cutting him off

"I love you too." Sugawara smiled, assuming he meant it platonically

"No, you don't understand. I love you." Daichi said

"Daichi, I think you're confusing love with a hook-up. We've known each other for years, you don't love me." Sugawara said with a warm expression 

Daichi just sat there silently, looking down at his coffee and sipping it slowly.

"Ah.. I'm going to head home now. I have a lot of things to sort out now that I lost my job. Thanks for letting me stay the night and worrying about me." Sugawara said, feeling as the atmosphere grew heavy and eerie

Daichi didn't say a word, sitting there with a blank expression.

Something was wrong, Sugawara sensed it. All he had to do was get out. He'd apologize and reject him kindly later.

The silver headed male got up, being as calm as he could but  was clearly rushing to the front door as he grabbed the handle, just for it to be locked.

"Locked from the inside..?" Sugawara thought

There was a keypad next to it. Sugawara slowly looked behind him to see Daichi sitting at the table, sipping his coffee as he stared at him.

Chills ran through the older's spine as the blank expression worn by the younger felt haunting.

"Daichi..?" Sugawara said, slowly walking up to the taller

"Mhm." Daichi replied

"Do you actually love me?" Sugawara said

Daichi looked up at him.

"I've always loved you, since we met. You have always been there for me, through high school, college, police training, actually becoming an officer. You always rooted for me." Daichi said "I love you."

"Daichi... are you sure this isn't just because of what happened last night?" Sugawara asked

"I'm certain. I was going to tell you before that drunken exchange but I guess I got too caught up with work and then you got fired." Daichi said

"Please give me some more time to answer. I'm going to go home alright? Open the door, and i'll see you another time."

Daichi clicked his tongue "No can do."

"Why not?" Sugawara asked

"If you leave now, you'll reject me in a couple days or ignore me until you think my feelings would go away, am I right?" Daichi said

Sugawara stared at the younger.

"If I keep you here, at least you can grow to love me." Daichi smirked "You have no other choice, but to love me."

Suddenly, it all made sense to Suga.

Daichi had always been a possessive man. Throughout their friendship he'd constantly intimidate others to staying away from the male and took up most of his time. Sugawara tossed this trait aside, assuming the younger was just protective of their long friendship.

Him being drunk after getting fired didn't sound much like him, much less something he'd completely forget.

"I didn't get laid off my job, did I?" Sugawara said

"Theres my smart Koshi." Daichi said

The look on Daichi's face was serious. There was no joke hiding behind those eyes. The younger probably ruined his life to keep him here forever.

"What.. what did you do...?" Sugawara said, tears streaming down his face

Daichi put down the empty mug and grabbed Sugawara's arm, yanking him over onto his lap as he held the struggling and tearful male in his arms.

"Let-- let go!" Sugawara sobbed

"Shhh...." Daichi shushed, keeping his tight hold on the older as he slowly rocked back and fourth in calming notions

After a while the older's breath slow down as he relaxed in the younger's arms, no tears seemingly left in his eyes.

"J...just p-please let me go..." Sugawara stuttered

Daichi lightly grabbed the silver headed males face, making them have eye contact.

"I already had you once. I'm never going to let you go again."

𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗲-𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀Where stories live. Discover now