"That is going to be perfect Austin. We don't need anything special" I smiled as I stood up from his lap and walked over to Liam. I was just about ready to scoop him up in my arms when I felt his hand placed softly on my waist as he gently moved me to the side.

"I got him lil miss" he smiled scooping him up in his strong inked arms like he weighed nothing as we started to walk down the hall. I entered the room flipping on the lights, shocked to see that they gave off a dim glow as I walked over to the bed and pulled down the covers. Austin laid him carefully more towards the middle of the bed, placing a small kiss on the top of his head before I pulled the covers up, repeating the same actions.

"Come on lil miss" he said grabbing my hand as he walked me out of the room towards the back of his house. We walked by his music room as we made our way into a room that looked like a place he did much of his entertaining. There was a pool table over in the corner, a small bar set up against a back wall, and a rather large TV and several sofa's to my right. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked walking over to the refrigerator pulling out a Bud Light.

"I'll take one of those if you don't mind" I smiled, walking up to him as I leaned on the bottom shelf of the bar, grabbing the ice cold can out of his hand and popping the top. I looked over at the pool table in the corner, the words Stoney standing out brightly underneath the table light feeling the strong urge to grab a stick and play a game.

"Would you like to play lil miss?" his soft and raspy voice bringing me back from my thoughts as I turned my head to look at him, his left hand in his pocket as his right clutched onto his beer can tightly, a sexy grin spread across his face. I felt myself beaming at both his demeanor and his question as I quickly nodded my head yes, reaching out and grabbing his hand from his pocket as I half ran and half walked over to the pool table, Austin smiling the entire time at my slightly childish antics.

I grabbed the triangle out of the table as I started setting up the balls making sure that the rack was nice and tight before slowly removing the triangle and throwing it back in its cubby inside the table. I smiled as Austin walked over to me handing me a pool stick, a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. "Mind if I have one?" I asked him. He smiled behind the cigarette, pulling the pack out of his pocket as he slid one out for me placing it gently between his fingers. I gently grabbed it putting it between my lips as he flicked his lighter as I inhaled, the first taste of nicotine flowing through my veins before closing my eyes and blowing out a cloud of smoke. "It's been a while, I don't like to smoke in front of Liam" I said, holding the slender burning stick between my fingers as he mirrored my actions.

"There seems to be a lot I'd like to know more about lil miss" he said walking up to the table positioning the cue ball to give him the perfect shot as he easily broke my rack dangerously close to sinking the eight ball but falling short as it bounced off the corner of the side pocket. He didn't seem to mind as he brought his cigarette back to his lips taking another drag walking over to me slowly. He blew out his cloud of smoke over my head as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me back in against him. "Let's play a game lil miss" he said softly into my ear, leaving a trail of kisses down towards my neck.

"What kind of game?" I asked him, feeling my world slip away from me as his seductive lips trailed across my warm skin.

"This or that" he said with a laugh. "Kind of high school feeling, but maybe I can break down some of those walls you have up" he said as he pulled away from me, his hand gliding slowly off my waist as he took another drag of his smoke. I swallowed hard, wondering just how he was able to read me like a book. I thought I was hiding it well, but clearly it was written all over me plain as day that I was being extra cautious.

"Okay, I'll start first" I said, as I walked up to the cue ball deciding that I wanted solids. I took my shot sinking the solid yellow 1 ball, watching it disappear down the left corner pocket. "Dogs or cats" I said with a smile.

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