Celestial Radio

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I made my way towards camp. They're in for a treat.

I wonder if I should scare them or something like that. But then I thought...

WWND? What Would Nemo Do?

I guess I'll just see what they plan on telling the campers. I'll just have to wing it.

"Stay here, Chiron. I don't want you to get blamed for me returning." Chiron nodded. "As you wish, Percy. I suggest going along with the 'behaviour' act" he said.

I thought about it and decided to go with it. "Follow me after a few seconds, "I told him. And with that, we walked towards the camp.

I heard Annabeth's voice first. She was telling the campers something. Probably all my 'crimes'. I approached a spot from where I could see them while staying hidden.

Many campers looked shocked when hearing what Annabeth had to tell. I noticed that Andromeda looked ready to pounce on Annabeth. I knew I had to stop her.

I concentrated on her and somehow...I entered her mind.

'Hey Percy, what about her privacy! Stop you perv!' Before you start scolding me, let me tell you that I didn't see any of her memories...that I will tell you about. Just Kidding....maybe.

'Stop Andromeda. Don't freak out. It's me, 'kelp head...in your head'' I told him telepathically while patting myself on the back for that joke.

She looked around for the source of the voice before giving up and rolling her eyes. 'Great...now I have seaweed in my head because of you' she thought. I rolled my eyes.

'Very funny. Anyway, don't do anything for now...let her accuse me. I need you to stay safe Andy' she looked sceptical at first but then nodded. And then she seemed to realise I called her Andy.

'Don't call me Andy!' She said while blushing. I smiled. 'Whatever you say. Now I gotta go, but my plan in action. Don't freak out. Goodbye gorgeous' I said leaving a very red Andromeda's mind.

Now, let's have some fun with the campers. I said and walked out of my spot, not before placing my bag in a safe spot so that I can retrieve it later. "Oh come on Chiron. How many times do I have to say that I didn't do that". On cue, Chiron trotted out feigning worry.

Man, I wonder if Chiron took acting classes.

I then turned toward the campers, acting confused.

"What's going on here?" I asked pretending to be ignorant of their betrayal.

Annabeth walked towards me and pointed her sword towards me. "We know what you did, traitor. Don't try to act innocent." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not a traitor," I said straightforwardly. Is that even a word?

"Yes, you are. You were plotting with the enemy. You were responsible for all the deaths we've encountered. You were the one that cheated on me and broke my heart" she said while shedding a few tears. Where on earth did she learn to act?

Maybe she has been taking classes. 'How-to-betray-your-boyfriend-by-accepting-godhood-and-framing-him' just for $99.9.

I felt anger burn in me. SHE is Accusing Me of breaking Her heart. Yeah right.

"I didn't do any of those things. I have always been on the Olympian's side" I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, but you haven't. You were responsible for the death of Rose McHardon. You killed her in her sleep in the infirmary. Shame on you Perseus." I was shocked. Rose? Annabitch - it's official, I'm calling her that now - had killed Rose. Just because her pride was hurt by me.

Percy Jackson: The Light BringerWhere stories live. Discover now