Chapter Thirty-Five

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Rainier paused, shocked at how I dared speak to Royalty, I was sure. He let out a dark laugh, shaking his head at me. My wide eyes shot up to meet his, to find them dancing with humour. I pursed my lips, narrowing my eyes at him. This situation was entirely not funny.

"Continue," I ordered, needing to hear what kind of nonsense he was going to try to tell me now. First, he somehow conjures up a mirrored picture of my dead sister, and now he was bringing my father into this. He had reached a brand new level of asshole.

He shook his head, clearly amused by my attitude.

Well, I certainly had a lot more where that came from, Prince Asshole. I thought to myself as I sneered back at him, waiting for him to hurry up with his stupid lies.

He sighed, finally continuing his rant. "As I was saying, Emily... your father, which I'm sure will come as a great surprise to you... was actually head of the Department of Defense prior to General Jeff."

I couldn't help it, I scoffed right in his face. General Jeff, who I had found out was Kyle's father, was a cruel disgusting man who was the head of a horrible department that my father never would have participated in. Not in a million years.

"My father was an accountant," I growled, feeling the fire in my veins at the accusation. At the audacity that he had, trying to taint my perspective of my father. One of the kindest, most protective men that I had known. He wasn't Department of Defense material, he didn't even believe in guns for the love of god!

Rainier inched closer to me. "That's what you were told, Emily. However he did a great job at hiding it from his family and friends. If you don't believe me, ask King Kagorth." His lips tipped up in a self satisfied smirk. I narrowed my eyes at the accusation.

I could feel my heart stutter at his words. Did that mean that Kade had known as well?

"You're a real bastard, you know that right?" My voice betrayed all of the feelings within me. I watched as he grinned wider, realizing he had struck a visible nerve. 

Surely Kade wouldn't have hid that from me, if he had known. 

Rainier tipped his shoulder up, shrugging nonchalantly. "And then there's the matter of your sister." His eyes twinkled brightly, finding this entirely enjoyable. "The day that your family crashed, do you really believe it was an accident?"

My blood went cold as I stared at him, I shook my head no. No, that wasn't possible. 

Don't trust him, don't trust him, don't trust him. I repeated over and over, trying to remain calm at the horrors he was spewing from his mouth.

"Of course it was." I snapped back, unable to believe it could have been anything but. To think he was suggesting that my family had been murdered...

He shook his head, looking like he actually pitied my ignorance. "No, Emily. It wasn't. Your father was targeted by the Naurians for not agreeing to the Selection program. Your father refused to allow human females to be subjected to their brutality."

I knew the colour had fully drained from my already pale face as I stared at Rainier. His story, however unbelievable it may be, was beginning to create a larger picture. A picture that I did not one part of. 

"You're saying that the Naurians are responsible for my families death?" I all but whispered, shaking my head as I still tried to deny what he was telling me. Surely, he was spinning the story to his gain. I had to focus on that. 

He nodded, gesturing with his chin to the image of my sister on the mirror behind me. 

"We had gotten reports of what was going to happen thorough a reliable source. They ensured the vehicle would crash, taking your fragile human father out of the equation. We watched as your father was replaced by a more compliant officer willing to do their bidding in exchange for a handsome fee. Of course, we had interests of our own in their little program," He cast an appraising look my way. "But I'm sure you know that by now." He gave me a knowing smile.

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