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I don't want to wake up today. I don't have the energy. I expected Sasha to be my alarm clock today. But she was being awfully quiet this morning. Maybe she had a shitty sleep too.

I heave myself up from bed and rub my eyes. It's bright outside. It's awfully bright for -

IT'S 8:00??


'Sasha!!' I went on my tip toes near my bed to her top bunk where she slept unbothered.

'SASHA!!' I shake her.

'Hmmmph.' She mumbles.

'Why didn't you wake me up? Why didn't you wake up?? It's eight!' I yell, my voice croaky.

Her eyes sparked open and she shot out of bed.

'Shit!' She exclaims.

I quickly put on my uniform and slick my hair back into a bun. I am so stressed that my hair doesn't want to corporate with me, so I let it undone and give up. I brush my teeth hurriedly whilst putting on my second shoe, hopping up and down frantically.

'Here!' Sasha stuffs a small baguette in my hands.

Normally I don't accept food from Sasha because most of the food she obtains is stolen, but considering we missed breakfast and part of morning training, I really needed the food.

I snatch it out of her hands and we both run out of the door. We sprint toward the training field.

'What are we doing today??' I pant whilst running.

'More combat training.' She replies, slowing her run.

Shit. Levi is in charge of that.

'Come on!' I grab her wrist and run with her.

We turn the corner and walk into the training fields. Everyone is practicing one to one combat on each other, just like last time.

'Come on!' I repeat, and we both ready ourselves in fighting position in front of the dummies, pretending that we were here the entire time. Our presence, however, did not go unnoticed.

'What the fuck do you think your doing?'

I don't listen to him and continue to punch the dummy. I feel my fists weaken and my legs tighten but I carry on punching. I'm beginning to get breathless and feel myself getting dizzy.

'Shit face.' He snarls.

Next thing I know, I feel my entire back being pushed to the ground, causing me to land on my stomach. I let out a sharp exhale as all the air is knocked out of me. I try to stand up, but I feel a boot press into my back. I turn my face to the side so I see who it is.

Levi gives me a menacing glare.

I take my gaze off him and see that all the cadets are looking down at me, faces in shock. I attempt to get up again, but I feel his hand wrap tightly around my hair.

'Could you have not been bothered to do your hair today?' He yells at me, everyone still staring at me.

I feel a pang of humiliation.

He takes his foot off me and crouches down besides me, releasing his grip in my hair. He looks down at me and tightens his grip, making my head go upward toward his face.

'Should I tell everyone how much your enjoying this right now?' He mutters in my ear. I go to gasp but he pulls on my hair again, making me moan slightly.

The Captain looks at me and I see him grin slightly. He releases me, making my head splat to the floor. He walks away from me and dusts his hands.

'In my office after dinner.' He commands.

Sasha rushes to me, helping me up. I wince when she touches my back. She lifts my uniform and shirt to see a bruise on my back. She helps me up, tentatively this time, and sits me up. She notices a little blood on me. She ignores it, as she feels Levi staring at us and pushes me to stand up. I smile at her to give her a thanks, and resume my training on a dummy.

Dinner feels so quick these days. I barely noticed it happened.

'Where are you going?' Sasha grabs my hand.

'I have to see Captain, remember?' I reply.

She nods.

'Good luck.' She says and leaves me in the hall next to his door.

I ready myself for a shouting. I knock at the door.

'State your name and business.' Levi replies.

'It's Y/N, sir.'

I shuffle my feet around, playing scenarios over and over in my head on what could happen. I only seeing this turning bad.

'Come in.'

Cold (Levi x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें