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Its been a few days since I last saw Levi. I've seen him around, but he doesn't acknowledge me. When we are in the same room, he leaves. He acts as if nothing happens and it is driving me crazy. When I see him around, my heart races and my stomach flutters.

It's an hour before everyone goes on the expedition today. Everyone is preparing horses, rations, gear...
I see everyone in a hurry - everyone is determined for this expedition, but scared. To be honest, I feel fearful too. I look around and catch my eye on Levi. He's talking to Commander Erwin. He looks serious. I try to catch his eye, but he doesn't look at me. It's futile. What am I doing? Am I expecting something from him? But then I see his eyes meet mine. He turns away from Erwin and storms over to me.

'What do you think your doing? Go and prepare yourself for the expedition.' He sternly says.

'Can we talk?' I ask.

'Does it regard of the expedition?' He raises an eyebrow.

'Why are you avoiding me?' I ask. I feel so exposed around him for some reason. He grits his teeth and grabs my arm. He walks me to his office.

'What the hell are you on about?' He yells at me, closing the door.

'What??' I ask.

'You are asking about something that has nothing to do with the mission. What are you doing? Do you want what happened the other day? Is that what your expecting.'

He answers my question with his question. I remain silent. He sighs and burrows his face in his hand. He holds the bridge of his nose in anger.

'You are pathetic.' He growls. 'You want me to satisfy your cravings here? Now?? You mean nothing to me. You are just a soldier to me. Nothing else. I have no idea what you are thinking. I don't want to know. I have no regards to your emotions whatsoever. Next time you pathetically get yourself stuck in a situation, I won't be there to save you.'

My heart cracks. A surge of tears rushes through my eyes, but I hold them back.

'Get the fuck out.' He walks out of his office, leaving the door open.

He's right. He never cared about me. I was just another soldier to him.

I walk outside to where everyone is and straddle my horse. All of the cadets are lined in our formation. We all got on our horses. This time, I'm with Levi's squad, making me dread the expedition even more than I did.

I adjust my uniform as they open the gates. The crowd cheers us on. I can't help but smile a bit. I'm pretty sure I hear Levi in the distance saying:

'Shut up.'

That sounds a lot like him. Why do I hear him above everyone else? He means nothing to me. Just a shitty person pushed at the back of my mind.

We all ride into the fields. The sky is a little cloudy - not much sun. It's pretty windy too.

I wonder what Levi is thinking. He definitely hates me. I already see myself at the brink of death and him watching me with his cold expression.

I brush that thought off and turn to see a titan behind us. I fire the coloured smoke, causing Erwin to yell:


Our team split into three. Myself and some others followed Levi. Armin and some others followed Erwin. The rest followed Hanji.

Our planned formation put me on the left of Levi.

The titan started to pick up its pace when it spots us. It looks like a normal. Someone in the back of our formation boosts upward, another person following. I turn around and see that both start flying toward the titan. One distracted whilst the other cut its nape. The titan gave out a wail and fell to the floor. Shortly after, they returned back to their horses and back to our formation.

Three titans start storming behind us. I turn around, ready to boost myself, but two other cadets boost themselves. I turn my head back around to focus on the mission.

I then hear a scream. I turn my head around. One of our cadets has been captured by the last titan. I search for the other cadet and find them splattered on the floor.


Without hesitation, I boost myself up and backward. I turn my body, so I am facing the titan. They are holding the cadet in one hand, putting them closer to their face and mouth.

Will I make it in time?

I boost myself again. I notice that I won't make it in time to cut its nape. I take my swords and throw them in its eyes. It lets out a wail. While it's distracted, I slice their nape. I notice the cadet falling, so I push through the air and catch them, putting them on his horse. I jump back to my horse and rejoin Levi's formation.

As I thought I was safe, two titans started running toward us. They were facing us, so we were running into each other.

Levi boosted himself into the air, boosting himself again straight after. I see him land on one of the titan's arm, and he begins to run up it. Next, he swivels his body, so he slashes the base of it's arm to its nape. The titan begins to fall. Levi uses this to his advantage, falls with the titan to reach the other titans legs, where he slashes it from its leg to its nape. As he finishes he turns his body toward us and his eyes widen. He shouts something but no one can hear him.

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