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'What the hell is this?'

Levi steps forward and glares at the ground, looking at the bucket, mop, Sasha and myself on the floor. His shoes breaks the silence that me and Sasha make. I peer at Sasha, only to see her slowly munching on her bread. I gesture for her to put it away but she doesn't listen. Levi catches me  gesturing toward Sasha and snaps his head to see her slowly eating a piece of bread.

'Fucking hell,' he groans, 'you make a mess on my floor and now decorate it with your bread crumbs?'
Sasha gulps. She slowly takes another bite.

'Fucking hell,' he repeats with utter disgust in his voice.

'Take my apron off and go wash yourself, I can't stand seeing crumbs sticking to my apron.' Sasha hurriedly gets up and leaves the house.

Now it's just me and him. Alone. He glares at me with a condescending look.

'I haven't seen you before.' He says, brushing dust off his uniform.

That hurt me a little. I met him a few days back when I got picked for his squad. We didn't actually talk, but he looked us all up and down. He must have remembered me. Am I that forgettable?

I snap out of my thoughts and feel myself anguish in the silence the room exerts. I really don't know what to do. Considering this is our first proper interaction, I'm not making a very good impression of myself.

He tilts his head down slightly toward me, and I notice a couple of strands of his hair go into his eyes. He ignores them for a while, remaining his gaze on me. The Captain, without looking at the hair in his eyes, takes his hands and sweeps his hair out of his eyes. I watch him do so, sort of mesmerised. All of my peers always comment on his absolute focus, no matter what - like he always has a definite task at hand. But now I notice, even the simplest of things - sweeping his hair out of his eyes, what focus he has.

His expression flickers, from an annoyed face to a calm expression when he notices me watching him. He grunts.

Oh god, he's gonna make me do laps, isn't he?

'Brat. To be a member of the survey corps, you need to have discipline as well as talent. You seem to have neither.'


I remain quiet. The tension is thicker than before. Him not remembering me and him saying I'm talentless seems to have hit a nerve. I'm not sure why it has - I've only properly known this guy for a minute and I already care about his impression on me. I want to break the silence by reintroducing myself, but knowing my luck, I know that it will make it worse. He doesn't seem like a guy who likes to have small talk so I keep my mouth shut.

'Tch' He says and looks to the side of him, his face still facing toward me.

He walks down toward the table I cleaned and feels the underside with his hands. I notice a little amount of dirt fall off. Levi takes his hands away from under the table and raises it near his head, feeling the dirt with his fingers. He notices the dirt and I see his eyes narrow.

'The hell is this?' Levi barked. He snatched his hands away and walked outside the door and patted his hands to get rid of the dust. His strides were heavy, full of anger and annoyance. He sighed and returned inside.

I am so fucked. I am sitting on the ground -my legs spread to each side, and my back slouched by leaning against the wall. I can't try and redeem myself in this position. I attempt to sit myself up, but I feel my arms turning weak. Is it from stress? Is it from lack of sleep?

'Get up. You look pathetic from down there. Not to mention you are greasing up my floors which you also failed to clean.'

My body decides to listen and tells my limbs to move. Ungraciously, I sit myself upward, hitting my back against the wall behind me. I winced. I still feel his eyes on me however, so I push myself upward so I stand up. My legs begin to shake a little from thinking about all the laps he is going to make me do.

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